The Un-United
States of America.
This country became very un-united by racial
division during the eight years of the Obama Presidency. President Obama had the rare opportunity to
unite this country as it has not been sense WW2, but he either knowingly or
willfully did just the opposite. These divisions are now becoming even worse by
opportunistic politicians, self-serving minority leaders, hate groups, radical ideologues
and paid rabble rousers.We now have Black Lives Matters marching down a street chanting about frying police officers like bacon, white supremacists waving swastikas and screaming hateful racial epithets, college students shouting down a speaker with opposing views and random drive by shootings of a rival gang member. All of these things demonstrate just how un-united our nation has become.
One of the first things I noticed shortly after Obama took office was how people were losing respect for law officers. The very people who put their lives on the line for us every day, who risk life and limb by just showing up for work. Respect for them has reached a deplorable level, as evidenced by the amount of police shootings around the nation.
I think people were knowingly or unknowingly simple following Obama’s lead. I remember, just a few months after Obama took office, a prominent Harvard professor returned from a trip to China to find that the door of his Cambridge, Massachusetts home was jammed. He opened the door with the help of his cab driver, and, knowing the professor was away, a neighbor assumed someone was breaking into his house, and called the police.
When the police arrived, the professor opened the door, and the officer asked him to step outside. He refused, and there was some sort of a confrontation, and he arrested. Neither party can be blamed for any wrong doing here. The officer was just doing his job, and I’m sure the professor was tired and a bit irritable from his long trip.
The arrest made the news, and Obama, without knowing any of the details just assumed this was a racial incident about a white cop harassing a black man. Obama admitted he didn’t know any of the details, but said on national TV that the Police acted stupidly.
I mention this incident because this was just the first of a LONG list if incidences where Obama made a racial incident out of something that was not. Every time a black person had a run in with the Police, Obama blamed the police, even if the police involved was also black. This caused people, especial black people, to loose respect for the police.
Disrespect for police is just one example of how the nation has become un-united. I could go on and on, for example; Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal said in a now-deleted Facebook post that she hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated.
Democrats and the news media have a very large percentage of the population convinced that President is a racist. That is ridiculous; he has been in the public for over 30 years and he was never accused of being racist until he decided to run against the Democrats and their propaganda machine.
It seems as though everyone is against America for one reason or another. Even multi-millionaire athletes are protesting their oppression against the very country where they have the freedom to become multi-millionaires.
I personally thing the attempt to erase history by removing all the confederate monuments is ridiculous. You can’t change history but you can learn from it.
These people who want General Robert E. Lee’s monuments removed probably don’t know anything about this great man. I posted a previous post about him. Here is the link:;postID=7669054590519232410;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname
It was my sincere hope that when Trump became President, he would be able to “drain the swamp” and unite this nation once again. I, like the President, underestimated just how deeply entrenched these “swamp creatures” were. These “creatures are now referring to themselves as “the resistance”. They include all Democrats, most of the news media, and a surprisingly large number of Republican career Politicians.
If President Trump fails, this once great nation fails.
May God bless America and God bless President Trump.
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