Tuesday, March 24, 2020


What Are the numbers we are seeing on coronavirus cases in the United States telling us, and what are they failing to tell us?
Here are some statistics they ARE telling us:  
Recent data of coronavirus cases in the United States show that 40% of those requiring hospitalization have been between the ages of 20 and 54.  For those in critical condition who require intensive care, 12% have been between the ages of 20 and 44.  The mortality rate from the virus remains highest among the very old, with the greatest number of deaths being those 85 and older. 

Here are some statistics they are NOT telling us:
What percentage of these cases were homeless people living on the streets?  What percentage were recently in a foreign country or on a cruise ship? 

Just remember, you can prove either side of any argument by carefully choosing which statistics you use, and which ones you suppress. 

From what the published statistics ARE telling us, the coronavirus has a much longer incubation period than Flu, is far more contagious, and requires more hospitalizations, and even using the most conservative number, it has a mortality rate ten times that of the flu (1% compared to 0.1%).

But, because of what the statistics are NOT telling us, we have no idea if our response has been too much or too little, or if it will prove to have been just right.  It certainly seems unsustainable.  But for now, stay home, wash your hands, and pray.  Perhaps I just have too much time on my hands, and read too many articles like this one:

Monday, February 24, 2020


President Trump is the best President in my lifetime, and I’m almost as old as dirt.   I believe the main reason Democrats hate him is because he is not a career politician, in fact, he isn’t a politician at all. 
He’s a successful businessman with a job to do, and that’s how he does his job, not like a politician would.  He doesn’t practice the usual conventions of false niceties, nor does he observe the tradition regarding respectful treatment of a hostile media.

On the contrary, if a rival politician or national figure behaves badly, he calls them out in no uncertain terms, in a most horrifyingly “unpresidential” manner. Likewise, he’s turned the tables on the liberal media (coining the term “fake news”) and forever ended the past Republican tradition of rolling over and cowering in the face of liberal media criticism. But why do so many Democrats, and so many non-elected bureaucrats hate him so much?  The answer is really quite simple, it’s because he’s not a member of the “Corruption Club.” 

This Corruption Club (also known as the deep state), has been effectively insulating itself from the American people, enriching itself and its family members by burying self-pay schemes in the government, and Trump is a threat to their illegitimate source of wealth. 

Any member of the House or Senate who now has millions of dollars more than when they came into office, is most likely a club member in good standing.  They have not, and will not give op this illegitimate source of wealth. 

The attempt to Impeach him failed miserably, but they are already looking ahead for another to the next opportunity.  They will not give up until they either remove him from office or loose the House majority. Hopefully, for the sake of the country, it will be the latter, and I believe it will be because, the American people are tired of this anti-Trump Deep State vendetta and, hopefully they will express their wrath at the ballot box next November, when Pelosi will become the first speaker if the House to lose the house majority twice. 

I have not given up on AG Bill Barr, and I believe there will be some very important news shortly. He gave a hour long speech to the Federalist Society in November which you can watch on U-Tube here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=539&v=MeMwdtbPR6g&feature=emb_logo

Here is an important excerpt from that speech:
Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called "The Resistance," and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the Executive Branch and his Administration.  Now, "resistance" is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power.  It obviously connotes that the government is not legitimate.  This is a very dangerous, and indeed incendiary notion, to import into the politics of a democratic republic.  (applause) What it means is that, instead of viewing themselves as the "loyal opposition," as opposing parties have done in this country for over two hundred years, they essentially see themselves as engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government.

That sounds to me like the proverbial feces is soon going to hit the rotating, oscillatory ventilation system…

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The more informed you are, the LESS likely you are to vote Democrat

If you watched the State of the Union speech, then you witnessed just how rude, disrespectful, and unpatriotic the Democrats in the room were.   Why on earth would a large party of alleged adults act in such an unprofessional manner? Because they all hate President Trump.
Which brings up the question “why do they hate him so much”.  Well there are different reasons.  Some of them, like the Muslims and the hard core Socialist and Communists which have been elected simply want to destroy our form of government. That’s easy enough to understand, but what about the Democrats who were born and raised in America?  These are the ones which make up the majority of the Democrats in both the House and the Senate.

They are for the most part career politicians who have become quite wealthy during their years in office. Their primary source if income has of course not been completely legal.  Joe Biden is a good example. Not just joe, but pretty much every one of his close relatives have become wealthy due to his political connections.  President Trump is shutting down their sources of illegal income.  (graft, bribes, kickbacks, etc.) This is the reason they attempted to remove him from office, and it is the reason they will do ANYTHING to prevent his re-election.  Even Bloomberg fears that Trumps foreign policies may take away a big chunk of his income.  In case you didn’t know, Bloomberg makes Billions of dollars every year from China. 

The Democrat party as currently constituted as socialist but they are getting closer and closer to communism.  America’s young people are no longer being taught about the ravages of these ideologies and the death and destruction they lead to.  Today’s ultra-left High Schools and Universities are brainwashing them. They no longer seem to grasp the true dangers of these ideologies, and just how valuable their right to liberty and justice really is.  If any one of the Democrat candidates were to be victorious it would be the end of America as founded. 
Everyone, not just Republicans, had better vote this November like their lives and freedom depend on it because, trust me, they really do.