Thursday, August 30, 2012


This is sort of a follow-up or continuation of these posts, which I hope you have already read.

 The Staged Crisis

The Obama team is watching all the polls, and if they are not positive that he is guaranteed reelection (with the help of cheating), the staged crisis to suspend elections will happen.  That is when he will declare Martial Law.

The idea of Obama suspending elections came long before the presidential election campaign officially began.  It was almost one year ago when North Carolina Governor Perdue made suspended elections an idea whose time has come.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Gov. Perdue, a Democrat said, according to a report by the Raleigh News & Observer.  “You want people who don’t worry about the next election.” (Fox News, Sept. 27, 2011).

I have not been very big on conspiracy theories in the past, but this bunch is not to be trusted.    This Election is not as the media is presenting it.  It’s not just another election like any other with the Republicans and Democrats dragging out skeletons and leaving them for all to see out on the campaign trail.

The Occupy Wall Street (OWS), Code Pink, and the other far left riffraff are not out there protesting the Republican National Convention just for kicks.  It’s not spontaneous but is all orchestrated by the Obama team.

What kind of crisis will the Obama Team exploit to impose martial law and suspend the 2012 Election?  That’s anybody’s guess.  Any staged crisis will do.  It’s not really the crisis they need but only the perception of one.

The perception of overnight ‘grassroots’ insurrection will go down without a glitch.  Obama controls both the mainstream media and the social media.

We have known for some time now that Obama controls the fake grassroots protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street.

This is how the staged ‘crisis’ that leads to suspended elections could happen:  Overnight in late-October,  progressive activists will cause a ruckus aimed to shut down major American cities, including Washington, DC and New York.  A thousand protesters will manage to hold these urban centers hostage—but you can bet your butt that the media will present them as hundreds of thousands heading towards millions.

Protesters will storm private homes frightening their inhabitants.  There could verry well be some people killed.  When things are at their very worst,  Obama calling for calm will appear over every television network and send out a message over cell phones telling Americans that he—and only he—has their backs covered.

Obama will then reveal that for the sake of Public Safety he has no choice but to declare martial law and suspend elections.
All Obama really needs to deliver the evil deed is Hollywood/media crafted perception.

If Obama is not guaranteed that cheating will win him reelection, the staged crisis to suspend elections will happen.  And we will never be able to prove it happened.

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