Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jesse, you are no MLK...If anything, you are his opposit.

Rev. Jesse Jackson: MLK Was Accused of Race-Baiting Too

The Rev. Jesse Jackson told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that charges of race-baiting leveled at activists like himself and the Rev. Al Sharpton are as old as the civil rights movement, and he rejected any suggestion that nationwide protests over policing are inherently violent or racially inflammatory.

"Dr. King was accused of being a race-baiter as he fought the forces of the South,"
Jackson told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner, referring to the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., whom Jackson knew and worked with. "They called Dr. King a race-baiter and they called him a communist at the same time."

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Here’s a News Flash for you Jesse:  Neither you or your fellow Race-baiter Al are anything like Dr. Martin Luther King.   If Dr. King were alive today, he would be embarrassed by both of you. 
He NEVER condoned violent riots, and looting, and burning down business and whole neighborhoods.  For you to compare yourself with Dr. King shows not only your arrogance, but your ignorance as well.

Dr. King was a Republican, and those who opposed him were, for the most part, Democrats.

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