Friday, January 9, 2015

WE WON…Didn’t we?

The GOP took over the Senate majority yesterday, meaning that for the first time in 8 years, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.   Right? 
No, unfortunately that’s not quite right.  Republicans have the “majority”, but RINO’s have “control”.
This should usher in an era of Conservative governance. Why shouldn’t it?  The American people voted and elections are supposed to have consequences.  Even President Obama once said so.

But before these new Republicans were even sworn in, the White House was already promising to release even more Executive Orders.  The President has no interest in working with Republicans at all.

Seriously?  The Democrats got their butts kicked in the midterm election and instead of accepting that, Obama is already back to ruling by executive fiat. Enough is enough!
Prior to the midterm, all we heard from our critics was that it wasn’t the right time to call for Obama’s impeachment.  They said that if we did, we would lose the next election.

All the RINO’s are now saying that impeaching Obama would be suicide with the 2016 election so close.  I know a lot of people reading this blog probably feel the same way.

Well, there is an election of one kind or the other every two years. There will never be an “opportune moment” to impeach this President.  There will always be a million reasons not to act.  But we can no longer sit back and watch this usurper expand the power of the presidency and destroy the checks and balances that keep this country running!

We all know that if Democrats were in control of both houses, and we had a Republican President with as many impeachable offenses as this President has, he would have already been impeached.

President Bill Clinton was impeached for having an inappropriate relationship with an intern in the White House and then lying to Congress (under oath) about it.

Barack Obama has systematically dismantled the government designed by the founding fathers.  He has turned the Presidency into a kingship and chosen to rule by executive orders instead of working with Congress.

Obama promised from the beginning to change the way Washington does business.  He promised to return the country to constitutional governance.  He promised to have the most transparent administration ever.  He chose to do exactly the opposite.

The American people and Congress voted down the President’s gun control proposal.  Instead of accepting defeat, Obama implemented gun control by executive order!
The American people and Congress voted down the President’s immigration proposals.  Instead of accepting this, Obama has single-handedly legalized millions of illegal aliens in complete violation of the law!

The Obama administration has illegally implemented the Affordable Care Act, taking a dysfunctional law and adding thousands of pages of regulations that Congress never even approved!

And whenever a department or agency within the administration has been caught breaking the law, the President and his cronies have perverted executive privilege to shield these criminals from prosecution.

Time after time, the President has grabbed more power for himself to implement his agenda.  The checks and balances designed by the Founders to bring balance to government have been all but destroyed.

Obama believes he has the power to write the law, interpret the law, and selectively enforce the law.   We MUST prove that he is wrong!

Impeachment isn’t a dirty word.  It is the only surefire mechanism that the Founders left us to deal with an out-of-control, tyrannical President.   We MUST use the tools they so wisely put in place for us.

With GOP in control of both chambers, impeachment is possible. But only if you demand it!

Are you ready to give up on this great experiment with self-governance and coronate Obama as King or Emperor?

That is what is at stake. Before the new Congress was even sworn in, Obama was out promising new sweeping executive orders.

The President’s job is to ‘faithfully execute the law.’ By all definitions, Obama has failed to meet this responsibility. But it is worse than that. Obama has openly REFUSED to defend the law and the Constitution!

Sure, impeachment and conviction would be difficult.  But going down this path is worth it and necessary to control Obama’s overreach.   We gain nothing by remaining silent.  Sitting in the shadows and watching the destruction of this country accomplishes nothing

The stakes really are this high.  Executive power has been expanded almost to the point of no return.  If the President is allowed to write, interpret, and selectively enforce the laws, then our republic is dead. If Congress does not reassert its authority now, then our experiment with self-governance will fail.

I refuse to sit back and watch.  It is time to act.  It is time for you to join the millions of Patriots around the country and FORCE Congress to stop this out of control president once and for all!

There are two things that YOU and I must do, and do now.
First:  Write, call, and/or e-mail your Congressman and your two Senators and let them know in no uncertain terms just how you feel.

Second: Repeat step one with ALL the RINO’s in both houses, especially Speaker John Boehner.

Even if our effort fails, you will feel much better knowing you did all you could do.
God bless you and God bless America.


  1. "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
    -Marcus Tullius Cicero

  2. To the new Republicans struggling with pleasing a TEA Party base, all I have to say is: what did you expect? TEA Party conservatives cared enough to sit through many a stump speech, donate and doggedly work your campaign, convince friends and family to give you their vote and their trust – those are not gifts that conservative purists take lightly.

    So when a sitting “Republican” Speaker mortgages the taxpayer’s future on a massive CR-Omnibus bill that gives much and holds back little, understand that the fiscal conservatives who aided the Republican Party’s sweeping 2014 electoral victory are incensed. The 112th and 113th Congress raised the debt ceiling and expanded the National Debt from $14 trillion to almost $18 trillion, all while the TEA Party flourished.
