Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Trump Presidency... BOOM or BUST?


Trump's Top Achievements of his FIRST year. 

100 percent vote by UN Security Council to sanction North Korea.
41 percent decline in illegal southern border crossings
97,482 illegal immigrant arrests, 70 percent convicted of additional crimes, 52,169 expelled
Adopted a resolute policy on Afghanistan
Advocated for practical tertiary education
Advocated for skills-based immigration policies
American companies now expanding rather than shipping jobs overseas
Announced sanctions targeting Iran’s Revolutionary Guards
Appointed a Transportation Secretary who is modernizing air traffic control
Appointed an Education Secretary who is correcting abuses of Title IX
Appointed an EPA administrator who has rescinded over 30 regulations
Appointed an FDA director who is facilitating generic drug competition
Appointed an Interior Secretary to improve forest management and expand users of public lands
Approved the Keystone pipeline
Called for international support of Iranian protesters
Canceled school lunch program that failed to force children to eat unpopular foods
Constructed test models of the border fence
Convinced Japan and South Korea to increase defense spending
Convinced NATO members to honor minimum financial commitments
Decertified Iranian nuclear treaty and sent it to Senate as constitutionally required
Designated North Korea as a state-sponsor of terrorism
Eliminated prohibition on interstate health insurance sales
Ended abuses of the student loan forgiveness program
Ended forced provision of contraception by Catholic nunneries
Ended requirement for state funding of Planned Parenthood
Ended research into Y2K preparedness
Ended rule requiring employers to report pay data by gender and race
Expanded school-choice efforts
FCC has begun to dismantle unnecessary Internet “Neutrality” regulations
Foreign firms building plants and creating jobs in the U.S.
Improved rules of engagement for military in combat situations
Initiated resistance “sue and settle” tactics against EPA
Initiated sanctions on Venezuelan dictatorship
Introduced regulatory budgeting requiring agencies to rescind two rules to issue a new one
ISIS bombing ramped up from about 20 to 500 or more airstrikes per week
ISIS ground campaign intensified; Raqqa captured, its fighters surrendering in large numbers
Issued a National Security Strategy
Kate's Law passed House now pending in Senate
Leveraged U.S. contribution to UN budget to force 5 percent budget cut and reduce staffs
NLRB reversed rule making indirect employee control sufficient to be “joint employees”
Nominated 60 judges, 21 confirmed, none yet denied
Nominated a new Fed chief
Nominated one Supreme Court judge, who was confirmed
Obtained release of Aya Hijazi after three years in Egyptian prison
Obtained release of Caitlan Coleman and husband from Haqqani
Obtained release of UCLA basketball players from China
Raised awareness of Opioid addiction crisis
Recognized Jerusalem as Israeli capital and announced plan to move U.S. embassy there
Reduced excess size of two national parks in Utah
Reduced permanent staff in all Cabinet agencies except VA, HS and Interior
Reduced White House staff by 110
Repeal of ACA mandate included in tax change bill
Requested increased funding for missile defense in face of North Korean and Iranian threats.
Rescinded 2015 Waters of the United States rule
Rescinded ban drilling in the Arctic and coastal areas
Rescinded coal mining ban on public lands
Rescinded criminalization of accidental killing of migratory birds
Rescinded Cuban cash give-away
Rescinded the “Clean Power Plan”
Rescinded the “War on Coal”
Rescinded threat to pull funds from schools that prohibit transgenders picking their bathrooms
Rescinded Title IX “guidance letter” on sexual harassment
Restored policy barring federal funding of abortions overseas
Restoring military capability in the face of personnel shortages and equipment failures
Revamped U.S. space program, assigning ambitious new objectives
Revised rules for screening potential terrorist tourists
Sanctioned Venezuela for human rights violations
Sanctuary cities legislation passed House pending in Senate
Signed 74 legislative bills (13 reversing executive orders) and 23 joint resolutions into law
Signed comprehensive tax change bill containing most of the changes he proposed
Signed legislation opening Arctic Natural Wildlife Reserve [ANWR] to oil drilling
Signed legislation to expedite firing of incompetent VA officials
Supreme Court largely upheld ban on selected travelers
Taking steps to control the rogue Consumer Finance Protection Agency
Targeted MS13 gang members for priority deportation

The president’s lawyers announced a framework for restoring the separation of powers: 
Congress should cease delegating its legislative power to the executive branch
Courts should stop rubber-stamping regulations and orders that lack force of law
Executive will end informal “guidance documents” that undermine due process
U.S. energy production is on the upswing
U.S. sorties and assisted forces reduced ISIS to 2 percent of the area controlled in 2016
Unemployment is at 4.1 percent, a 17-year low
Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord
Withdrew from UNESCO (a warning to other wasteful, overstaffed UN agencies
Those were the ones you may not have been aware of.  The Following is what I call the “BIG SIX”.

1.      Justice Gorsuch & Record number of other Federal Judges    If there’s one area where Trump has kept his exceeded the expectations of conservative critics  and properly focused on long-term policy gains, it’s the judiciary, starting with his  selection of Neil Gorsuch to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. Trump has also gotten appellate judges confirmed at a historic clip. 
2.      Tax cuts. After a long year of legislative frustration, the GOP tax bill was a big shot in the arm to Republican morale, and a major positive for the economy going forward. The bill itself was a compromise, so not what I or really anyone else would have written from scratch, but its business tax cuts are a long-overdue pro-growth step, and the moves in the direction of larger child tax credits and caps on the use of large deductions for mortgages and state and local taxes for high-income taxpayers are welcome steps towards a fairer tax code. It even got rid of the hated Obamacare mandate, a policy so unpopular that Obama himself had campaigned against it in the 2008 Democratic primaries. In a bad year for Republican health-care policy, that’s a plus.
3.      Regulatory relief. Trump’s administration has moved on numerous fronts — from net neutrality to environmental regulations — to reduce regulatory burdens on the economy. Most of those steps can be undone by the next administration — but not all, given the use by this Congress of the Congressional Review Act to enact legal barriers to several of the Obama administration’s last-year regulatory initiatives.
While presidents in general, and presidents in their first year in office in particular, tend to get too much credit and too much blame for the economy, the combination of promised (then delivered) corporate tax cuts and relief from regulatory burdens has undoubtedly contributed to a booming stock market and some fairly solid economic growth in Trump’s first year.  Trump ultimately cut 22 regulations for each new one enacted this year, saving taxpayers bill

4.      Withdraw From Paris Climate Accord. Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords was a bold step, but Trump pulled the trigger, collapsing a symbolic sham of an agreement that ill-served American interests. The contrast to the prior administration’s literally chasing the Chinese delegation to beg them to sign something is a dramatic one.

5.    Individual mandate repeal.  Through tax reform, Trump fulfilled another key campaign promise: repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate.
Senate Republicans included a measure to kill the mandate in their initial tax bill, paving the way for its subsequent inclusion in the final tax reform package that cleared the president’s desk. The mandate, which required Americans to carry health insurance or pay an annual penalty as part of Obamacare, was long seen by GOP voters as the worst element of the 2010 healthcare law.
Public opinion polls taken in the months leading up to the final healthcare vote showed between 51 and 65 percent of self-identified Republicans opposed the individual mandate.
6.     Jerusalem.  The decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel, eventually, to Jerusalem is more symbolic than anything, and will still take some time to carry out, time enough that a successor administration might yet frustrate it. But give Trump credit: It’s been two decades since Congress passed a law directing that this action be taken, and subsequent administrations of both parties have offered empty promises while going wobbly before pulling the trigger. Trump, unconcerned as he is with how his actions look, finally did it.

Trump's Top 10 Achievements of his second year.
1.    Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court – His confirmation, messy and controversial as it was, secures another conservative jurist with an originalist constitutional approach and a restrained view of judicial power. With Neil Gorsuch and Kavanaugh in place, Trump has kept his promise to remake the high court with young, conservative thinkers.
2.    Confronting China – Much of the heartland anxiety that vaulted Trump into the Oval Office emanates directly from the abusive economic warfare waged by China for decades against the United States. At long last, those workers find a champion in Donald Trump, who slapped serious tariffs upon Beijing and finally forced the regime to negotiate fairly. America now embraces its strong bargaining position and demands reciprocity in trade and an end to rampant industrial theft and piracy.
3.    Middle-Class Wages Rise – Incomes in general soared in 2018, with average hourly earnings finally eclipsing 3 percent growth for the first time since before the Great Recession. The news is even better for blue-collar workers, who now realize wage growth above that of white-collar workers for the first time in nearly a decade.
4.    U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal – Trump proved that America welcomes equitable global commerce by cementing a badly needed modernization of NAFTA. The USMCA provides a template for other such trade pacts and effectively isolates China’s increasingly untenable posture.
5.    Ending the Iran Nuclear Deal – Gone are the days of coddling the mullahs who have terrorized America and our allies for decades. Instead of counting the billions of dollars of cash sent via secret nighttime flights by the Obama administration, the Tehran regime now faces a U.S. leadership determined to thwart its tyranny and prevent its nuclearization.
6.    Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem – Trump proved once again how differently he governs compared to Washington norms. Past presidents promised for decades to make this move and U.S. law has required it since 1995, but only President Trump made good on his pledge, honored our ally, and recognized the obvious reality that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.
7.    Smashing the ISIS Caliphate and Exiting Syria – Unlike his predecessor, who haughtily dismissed and ignored the ISIS threat as terrorists’ “JV team,” President Trump smartly dispatched limited U.S. troops to help our partners erase the territorial caliphate that had inflicted unspeakable human rights abuses. Just as importantly, Trump also announced the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria, placing the primary burden for ongoing stability upon regional powers Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.  This president will not repeat the disastrous nation-building mistakes of Presidents Bush and Obama. 
8.    Increasing Minority Jobs – If Trump is actually racist, as biased mainstream media “journalists” often claim, he’s remarkably bad at it, because people of color have thrived under the pro-growth policies of the Trump Boom. Black joblessness in 2018 reached the lowest levels ever recorded.  For Hispanics, in history there have been a total of 14 months with a jobless rate under 5 percent -- and 13 of those months have unfolded under the leadership of President Trump.  Small business dynamism is particularly crucial for minority advancement, and small business surveys report optimism among entrepreneurs at record highs in 2018.
9.    Holding the Line with Migrant Caravans – In the face of continual demagoguery from liberal politicians and their allies in the legacy media, President Trump took a tough and principled stance against would-be trespassers.  Lawless caravans assault our sovereignty and abuse our generous asylum statutes.  Such provocations validate the need for a border wall along with reforms to immigration laws. 
10.                    Record American Oil Production – In 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil. Through aggressive regulatory relief and pro-energy moves like green-lighting the Keystone XL pipeline, President Trump paved the way for an independent energy future.
If it were not for the obstructionist Democrats, and the judicial overreach of obstructionist federal judges, there is simply no telling what Trump could have accomplished during the year.  Which brings me to his biggest failure, which is the fact that there is still no wall…

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