Thursday, July 25, 2019

If Trump goes down, America goes down.

It is a fact: If Trump goes down, America goes down.  This has NEVER before in my lifetime been the case in ANY election, and I’m pretty sure it never has been in the history of the United States.
The most demoralizing thing about our situation is how few people seem to actually fully realize its seriousness… 

The good news is; Robert Mueller’s testimony sent the clearest signal yet that impeachment may be slipping out of reach for Democrats and that the ultimate verdict on President Donald Trump will be rendered by voters in the 2020 election.

November 2020 is it folks.  Both parties will “go all in”, so we must GET SERIOUS…  It is imperative that we Conservatives turn out in unprecedented numbers to vote against becoming a socialistic nation, and make no mistake about it, that is exactly what this election will be about.

The majority of our young voters have no clue about the downside of socialism.  They take our freedoms for granted and have absolutely no fear of losing them.  They are too young to remember the reality and abject failure of socialism and the wide path of human deprivation and suffering, shattered societies and failing dictatorships all socialist governments eventually morph into. 

I remember the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall.  I remember that people were shot and killed for nothing more than trying to escape the horrors a totalitarian regime always wreaks on its people.  I remember the long lines of people in the Soviet Union just trying to procure the basic food and necessities for daily life.  I am aware that the same thing is still going on today in North Korea and Venezuela, and I am aware that the first step to that end is always Socialism. 

I am aware that our last Presidential election was indeed the most important election of our life time, and I am aware that we barley squeezed out a victory.  And I am aware that the 2020 election will be even more important, and that scares the crap out of me, and if it doesn’t scare you, then you obviously are not paying attention…


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