Wednesday, January 1, 2020


America is not prepared to shut down the coal industry, or any part of the fossil industry yet, and won’t be for many years to come.
When Hillary Clinton said, in her campaign speeches in 2016, that she would shut down the coal industry, the coal producing states rebelled against her. Republican registration boomed, and Democrats lost voters. Not just in the Presidential election, but in local elections as well.

Every Democrat running for the Presidency is to one extent or another, supporting the “green new deal” which of course means shutting down the coal industry.  Most of the candidates avoid talking about what would happen to the coal industry unless they are forced to.  Everyone except “sleepy old Joe” that is.

 As just about everyone on planet earth has heard by now that he recently suggested that all the coal miners and other blue-collar workers who lose their jobs could learn to write computer programs.  He said "Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well," and “Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God's sake!". Yes, those are actual direct quotes from his speech to an audience in Derry, N.H. 

So, anyone in the energy industry or any industry which depends on low cost energy, take note.  The Democrats, and I mean all of them, are coming after you.  Joe Biden was just the one stupid enough to clearly state it ten months before the election.  I’m sure after the primaries are over and the Democratic Nominee has been determined, that person will try to avoid the subject, but we all know President Trump will harp on it, as he should…

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