Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What do YOU Think?

Is it a mistake to pull out of Syria, or is it a wise decision?  

I have heard some very convincing arguments on both sides.   It’s not like we’ve never faced a similar decision before.  From FDR’s abandonment of 100 million East Europeans to Stalin at Yalta in 1945, to the abandonment of our Nationalist Chinese allies to Mao in 1949, and of our South Vietnamese allies to North Vietnam in 1975, America has often been forced into retreats leading to the deaths of allies.

Most Democrats and quite a few Republicans say President Trump is risking the same outcome: “A lot of American allies will be slaughtered if this retreat is implemented.”  But is that really true?

What exactly have we accomplished in the 15 years since we decided to invade Iraq, and what will we accomplish by remaining in the middle east another 15 years?  Has it been worth the loss of American lives and the draining of our national treasury?  Will it be worth the continued loss of lives and monetary costs for another 15 years?

I’m just asking questions, I do not purport to be a military expert.