Thursday, March 7, 2019

Nancy Pelosi is pushing for illegal immigrants to have voting rights


Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is pushing for illegal immigrants to be awarded voting rights in the US, claiming migrants “make America more American,” and we should not be “suppressing the vote of our newcomers.”

© Neon Nettle

I know of nothing in the constitution that prohibits this, but the enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, federal law has prohibited all non-citizens from voting in federal elections.  That means both “legal” and “non-legal” non-citizens are prohibited from voting, punishable by fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility, and deportation.
Exempt from punishment is any non-citizen who "reasonably believed at the time of voting ... that he or she was a citizen of the United States," had a parent who is or was a citizen, and began permanently living in the United States before turning 16 years old.
Allowing non-citizens to vote in our Federal elections amounts to outsourcing our vote and subverting out Democracy.  We must never allow that to happen.   The reason liberal Democrats want to flood this country with non-citizen votes is quite obvious.  The good news is, as long as we have a patriotic pro-American President like Trump, any attempt to pass such a law will be promptly vetoed. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What happens to America if Trump is not reelected in 2020?

The following is an excerpt from “American Thinker march 6, 2019”.
What happens to America if Trump is not reelected in 2020?

With Trump out of the way, stopping Democrats from passing their law to murder babies after they are born will be extremely challenging. 

Democrats are pushing for government-controlled health care based on the “quality of life” rather than God's “sanctity of life.” In other words, a board will decide whether or not the quality of your life is worth government spending money to preserve it. If they decide that you are too old to spend money on or if you own a gun, the board will say no surgery for you. Folks, I'm talking government death panels assuming the role of God; deciding who lives and who dies.

Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fake news media's rock star; their female version of Obama. As with Obama, fake news media promotes every crazy-stupid idea out of Sandy O's mouth as brilliance beyond our comprehension.

Sandy O’s wacko Green New Deal includes by 2030: ending air travel; ending the use of fossil fuels; mandating that every new job be unionized; decommissioning every nuclear plant; rebuilding every building in America for state-of-the-art energy efficiency and government funding for everyone including deadbeats who refuse to work.

Don't laugh, folks. A dozen Democrat senators of which six are presidential candidates and 90 House Democrats cosponsored Sandy O's idiotic Green New Deal. Many Americans do not realize that Democrats will sacrifice our economy, jobs, national security and even American lives to feed their all-consuming obsession with gaining power to control every aspect of our lives.

If Democrats win the White House, they will roll out the red carpet for illegals, welcoming criminals which include murderers, rapists, human traffickers and drug dealers. 

Trump has been relentless in keeping his promises, racking up 289 accomplishments for We the People in his first 20 months. 

Democrats winning the White House would mark the end of Trump's America first agenda. But folks, what would be most disturbing to me if Trump were not reelected is the loss of his courageous voice, his unprecedented fearless pushback against fake news media, Democrats, and political correctness. I am so sick of Republicans kissing the derrieres of partisan Democrats and fake news media, foolishly believing it will gain them respect and fair treatment in the media. Nothing will cause leftists to turn away from their anti-American and anti-Christian agendas. They must be defeated.

Before my 90-year-old dad passed away in June, he asked me to drive him from Baltimore to see my home in West Virginia; Trump country. At the town gas station, I introduced town ambassador Charlie to my dad. I later learned that Charlie bragged to locals, “I got to meet his dad.”

My fellow Americans, we must remain faithful supporters of our president and reelect him in 2020.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

The entire column can be read here: