Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The TEA Party

Michele Bachmann said “Obama thinks the tea party is made up of a bunch of toothless hillbillies".   I don’t know if Obama really thinks that or not, but I do think he believes the T.E.A. party (taxed enough already) is no longer relevant.  Trust me, they are.


Try as they may, the Democrats have had no success silencing or discrediting the T.E.A. party.  They've called us racist, a charge they've not been able to make stick.  They've tried to label us as "Astro-Turf" in reference to the behind-the-scenes, coordinated, and bussed in groups of paid protestors they themselves invented to influence a particular political point of view. They have done their level best to create confrontations in order to get a T.E.A. Party activist to lose his/her temper on national television so as to label the entire movement troublemakers.

With each screw-up of the Obama Administration, the ranks of the T.E.A. Party have swelled.  Between the $700 billion bailout of the banks, the $800 billion stimulus package, putting the fix in for unions to take precedence over secured creditors during the auto industry bailouts/bankruptcies, and the overreach of Obamacare; progressives were the best recruiting tool the T.E.A. Party movement ever had.

Every time a violent act was reported on the News, Democrats hope it’s a T.E.A party member, or at least a conservative.  Remember Joseph Stack?  He’s the kook that flew a plane into an Austin Texas IRS Building in February of 2009. The liberal media did everything humanly possible to connect this deluded person's actions with the T.E.A. Party.  Essayist Jonathan Capehart was quoted as saying; "But after reading his 34-paragraph screed, I am struck by how his alienation is similar to that we're hearing from the extreme elements of the Tea Party movement."

By July of 2009 the movement was unstoppable. A crowd estimated at over 300,000 held a peaceful demonstration in Washington DC.   After this demonstration, Democrats began cranking up the usual rhetoric.  Bill Maher and others tried insulting the T.E.A. Party membership as a bunch of homophobic, tea bagging rednecks.  When I became aware of what was actually being described by such a play on words, the first thing that I thought of was that their term "tea bagging" and "homophobic" were mutually exclusive.   The irony was apparently lost on these people.

Although the media and the congressional leadership tried their level best to write the movement off as just a few bought and paid for professional rabble rousers, it became clear during the congressional summer recess of that they were much more than just a group of malcontents regurgitating rehearsed slogans.  Congressmen were sprinting in horror from town hall meetings across the country, having been confronted by citizens who knew more of the details of the pending health care legislation than the politicians that were supposedly being paid to actually analyze it.

All this is just setting the stage for November 2012. Progressives are already lamenting the return to; "the failed policies of the previous administration." I seriously doubt that. "Why?" you may reasonably ask, because although George Bush wasn’t totally blameless, it wasn't his policies that screwed everything up.  It was the spendthrift progressive/Democrat Congress that created the half trillion-dollar deficit between 2006 and 2008 through unrestrained spending. And Congress has continued to do so, in spades, since the 2008 elections.

We've never had a revenue problem, but we've always had a spending problem; especially since both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue became wholly owned subsidiaries of the progressive Democrat Party between the years of 2008 to 2010. What's making this so easy is that the progressives have abandoned all pretenses at making a logical case for continued investment (code for tax hikes).

All you have to know about how well this is going to work is to look to the inspiration of this new movement; none other than Van Jones. You remember Mr. Jones don't you? One of the original most coveted of Barrack Obama's unaccountable czars, and a senior member of the Center For American Progress and a card-carrying, self proclaimed socialist.
This lunatic actually believes that President Bush deliberately allowed September 11th 2001 to occur.

Van says; "We think we can do what the Tea Party did. They stepped forward under a common banner, and everybody took them seriously. Polls suggest there are more people out there who have a different view of the economy, but who have not stepped forward yet under a common banner."

His target groups; you guessed it, the chronically unemployed and all those career renters desperately trying to hold onto homes they never should have been allowed to buy in the first place. In other words; all his homeys that depend on the largess that government forces from working stiffs like us to pay for their non-stop party.

I realize that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery but anyone foolish enough to have accepted a job as "Green Jobs Czar" to begin with doesn't have the intellectual horsepower to unclog a shower drain; let alone organize a truly grass roots movement of any importance. I predict that this is the first, and last time we'll ever hear of the Progressive Tea Party.

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