Wednesday, August 24, 2011


When George Bush was president, democrats were constantly implying he was dumb. They were always putting a spin on something he said to make it sound like he was an idiot.  It isn’t necessary to do so with Obama.  His track record speaks for it’s self. 

He campaigned on lofty ideals and vague words (“hope,’’ of course, being most notable).  Americans want presidents that get results, and suddenly the idealists who flocked to his campaign in 2008 are now having a serious case of buyer’s remorse. 

In 2008, Obama was hailed as a genius, a "first rate intellect," the smartest man to ever be president.  This is the same political genius who shed 30 points in his first year in office. 
This is the same political genius who blew up his coalition in his first months in office. 

This is the same political genius who led his party to annihilation in the 2010 midterms (while showing utter indifference to the fate of congressional Democrats), and gave the Republicans -- who were down and nearly out -- more than they needed to come roaring back with a vengeance.

This is the same political genius whose rating in a recent Rasmussen “Presidential Index” has hit a new low. He is at Minus 26, that’s a 56-point swing from the Plus 30 he registered after his first full day in office.

This is the same policy genius whose stimulus stimulated only the deficit, whose health care "success" helped kill off his recovery, and whose efforts to create jobs all fell flat. 

Almost forty percent of the new jobs that were created happened under Perry in Texas.

Based on results, Perry has been much more successful as governor of Texas than Obama has been as president, or as anything else he has ever tried being, in the entire whole course of his life.

Liberals who fault the state of Texas for its low levels of taxes (no sate income tax) and spending might ask themselves why, if it’s such a hellhole, do so many people go there and choose to stay there.  My guess would be they are fleeing states ruled by Democrats, which have high taxes, a strong union presence and a rich array of the programs that Democrats love.

My biggest fear is that Obama may win a second term anyhow, because there is a big difference between being "too dumb to govern," and being "too dumb to win."  This is a fact proven by both Obama and Carter. 

If you haven’t read my previous blog - - then you should.  Then you will understand my fear.

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