Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Rick Perry began his campaign on top of the heap and has managed to make himself unelectable.
His first big mistake in the campaign was his choice of words when attempting to defend the policy in Texas of giving in state tuition to Illegal Aliens.  Everyone knows why that policy exists.  It is the result of Texas Politicians pandering to the huge Hispanic vote in the state. 

I understand that, but the fact remains that the majority of the “nationwide electorate” objects to funds that should be going to American citizens going to non-citizens who are in the country illegally.  To say those people “have no heart” was a poor choice of words.

Perhaps the straw that broke the camel’s back was his failure to immediately denounce the words of Robert Jeffress.  Jeffress said that Mormonism is a cult and that "every true, born-again follower of Christ ought to embrace a Christian over a non-Christian."

I admit I don’t know much about the Mormon Church, but I’m pretty sure the correct name is “The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”.  I’m also pretty sure they aren’t atheists or devil worshipers. 

Cult is a pretty strong word.  It brings to mind human sacrifices and the like.  I know people who call themselves Christians that consider the Catholic religion to be a cult.  I believe that word should be reserved for the likes of The Charles Manson family. 
Call it a cult, call it whatever you like, it’s not relevant as far as I’m concerned because I judge a person by his values and morals, not his theology.  I have known several Mormons over the years, and I must say every single one had better values and morals than a lot of Christians I have known.

One final point.  This post is not in support of Romney.  The only intent is to point out Perry’s shortcomings.  As it stands right now, my favorite contender in this race is Herman Cain.  That could change in time, but as of right now, Romney is number three on my short list.  He’s a bit too liberal for me.

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