Thursday, October 25, 2012

Navy SEAL leaks (video)

Navy SEAL leaks (video)
This is not politics, it is sabotage. The tape will or should cause you to
See who cares and who is looking after your General Welfare.
Good people are placing their lives and livelihood at risk so that
You and your children enjoy the opportunity of

This is an amazing video that needs to be carefully watched and the message understood by all who will receive it. Please pass it along to all of your email friends. Your future and the futures of all children is at stake!!
The single most damning video against Barack Obama you will ever see. This video, made by the U.S. Navy Seals, will hopefully cost Obama his second term in office.   Its just incredible how effective this video is in convincing TRUE Americans that Obama is a clear and very serious traitor to this country.  History will judge him negatively for his terrible treasonous acts.  Just an incredibly powerful video!  Senior CIA, FBI, Military and many other U.S. Government intelligence officials describe for the viewer how Obama has compromised U.S. National secrets and the very serious consequence of those actions.  And what's worse, he did it all for political gain

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