Wednesday, December 5, 2012


President Obama went on television and lied to the American people about the embassy attack in Benghazi while terrorists carried our ambassador through the streets as a trophy.  

Stevens and three other Americans are dead because “Commander in Chief” Obama—supposedly the protector of the American people—did absolutely nothing to help them.  He didn’t send support.  He didn’t call for reinforcements; he just watched the attack and (presumably) ordered the CIA to “stand down.”

Then, he lied about what happened to cover up his misdeed and tamp down the controversy before the election. He publicly stated that the impetus behind the violence was civilians protesting a film depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed, but all along, he knew this wasn’t the truth. He and his administration knew that Al-Qaeda had orchestrated the attack; yet, they did nothing, and worse, we are discovering he not only is guilty of inaction, but making it clear no one was to help.

Obama was guilty as hell in the “fast and Furious” scandal.  Both he and Eric Holder should have been impeached then, but were allowed to get away with a cover-up.  How many impeachable offences will this Congress let him get away with?

There are many actions taken by President Obama that are clearly wrong, but are not quite impeachable offenses by law. However, in addition to fast and furious, and the Benghazi cover-up, he has committed many crimes against the United States of America and he must be held accountable.  For example;
  • When the DREAM Act didn’t pass Congress, Obama went around them and granted amnesty to illegal aliens anyway—and he is even suing states who are fighting for the right to enforce our laws!
  • After the New Black Panther Party clearly disenfranchised white voters in Pennsylvania, Obama instructed his Justice Department to drop the matter and ignore the crime.
  • Obama sent troops into Libya without Congressional approval, ignoring the War Powers Act of 1973—arguing that “international permission” was good enough.
  • In January, Obama made four Senate “recess” appointments without Senate approval—even though the Senate was, in fact, in pro forma session.
  • After passing Obamacare and forcing every American to have to purchase health insurance, Obama then begins forcing employers to provide abortion drugs and birth control pills in their healthcare plans.
  • He instructed the Office of Management and Budget to ignore the WARN Act and save thousands of pink slips until after the election, so it wouldn’t affect votes.
  • Does anyone in their right mind honestly believe he didn’t have anything to do with all those voting machines that voted for him when the voter was attempting to vote for Romney?  (and many other forms of election fraud)
In Federalist Paper 65, Alexander Hamilton says impeachable offenses are “offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, from the violation or abuse of some public trust. They are of a nature which with peculiar propriety may be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done to society itself.”

Americans were murdered and Obama’s primary concern was about keeping his job. We must put pressure to Congress to impeach Obama and demand they look into criminal charges against any parties in the Executive branch that may have broken the law to cover up a terrorist attack, or even more serious, who refused help to Americans in a foreign country who were under attack. 

Write, call, or fax your Congressman.  We must stay on their backs like flies on a fresh turd until Obama is behind bars for his crimes against the American people and against the members of our brave embassy staff who posthumously cry out for justice.

Some of the things this President has done make Richard Nixon look like a Saint. This President has lied to the American people and ignored laws over and over and over and over just to get re-elected, now he has four more years to destroy our sovereignty, our national security, and our Constitution.

Obama believes he has a blank check upon which to write his lies and deceit and political games.  Stop his conspiracy against the United States.  Write that letter or send that fax to your Congressman today and demand the impeachment of the President IMMEDIATELY.

AND, Please watch this short video.


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