Monday, December 23, 2019

The false narrative of the “green new deal”.

The irony is that the policies advocated now by the “green new deal” would actually reverse the current positive trend.
I’m tired of talking about politics and the ridiculous impeachment.  Let’s talk about climate change and the green new deal today.

A wind farm requires far more concrete and steel than an equivalent system based on gas.  Even after the wind farm is built and paid for, it is still the most inefficient methods of generating electric power ever conceived. The cost of maintaining them is unbelievable. 

Hydro-electric generators are much more efficient, but we have pretty much reached the limit on the number of dams we can build in the United States.  Many environmentalists Say we have already dammed up far too many of our rivers and streams

The only thing remaining is nuclear power and solar energy.  Environmental opposition to nuclear power has hindered the generating system that needs the least amount of land, least amount of fuel and least amount of steel or concrete per megawatt.  Solar energy is still fairly new, and I expect solar energy technology to improve and become much more popular...

Burning wood instead of coal in power stations means the exploitation of more land, the eviction of more woodpeckers — and even higher emissions. Organic farming uses more land than conventional. 

It's time for some climate sense.  Human activity can never control atmospheric CO2 levels or global temperature.  Much bigger forces are at work.  Forces which have been at work sense the beginning of time, and will most likely continue.  The solar system cycles, earth orbital changes, volcanic activity, El Nino episodes, declining magnetic field and magnetic pole reversals, variable cosmic rays and cloud cover, and absorption and expulsion of CO2 by the mighty oceans.

Geological records show that today's CO2 levels are very low — so low that plants grow slower and need more water.  Many greenhouses which grow plants indoors actually have CO2 generators to make their plants grow faster.

Moreover, the ice core records from Antarctica and Greenland show clearly that atmospheric temperature always rises before CO2 levels rise.  So rising CO2 is the effect of rising temperature, not the cause.  Warming oceans expel bubbles of CO2 into the atmosphere.  When oceans cool, they take the CO2 back.

We live in a natural warm interlude, but we are past the warming peak.  There will still be fluctuations and extreme weather events, but the next big move will be global cooling — the 11th freeze-up in about a million years.   Ice ages have been a periodic threat to much of life on Earth.  As the ice sheets spread from the North Pole, there will be massive depopulation, and survivors will need to relearn hunter-gatherer skills or have access to reliable energy.   Even the Great Niagara Falls froze in 1848 during the Little Ice Age.

Technology has put us on a path to a cleaner, greener planet. We don’t need to veer off in a new direction with the green new deal. If we do, we risk retarding progress.  We need to concentrate on the REAL environmental problem, which is the reckless pollution of our planet…

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Why are Democrats and the inside-the-beltway permanent political class so determined to get rid of President Trump?   Because he’s not a member of the “Corruption Club.”  

It is true that Trump is ruff, gruff, combative, and Outspoken, but there are a lot of Club members who are all of those things (and worse), yet they’ve been around Washington for decades. This Corruption Club (also known as the deep state), has been effectively insulating itself from the American people, enriching itself and its family members by burying self-pay schemes in the government, and Trump is a threat to their illegitimate source of wealth. 

Any member of the House or Senate who now has millions of dollars more than when they came into office, is most likely a club member in good standing.  They have not, and will not give op this illegitimate source of wealth.  Pelosi has Put House on Quick Timetable for Impeaching Trump, even though they already know the current attempt to impeach the President has failed, and they are already looking ahead to the next opportunity.  They will not give up until they either remove him from office or loose the House majority. Hopefully, for the sake of the country, it will be the latter, and I believe it will be because, the American people are tired of this anti-Trump Deep State vendetta and, hopefully they will express their wrath at the ballot box next November, when Pelosi will become the first speaker if the House to lose the house majority twice. 

Democrat Representative Al Greene cuts to the chase last may about impeachment, when he went on MSNBC and said he was, "concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected."

Forget high crimes and misdemeanors, the real reason Democrats want to impeach Trump spilled from the lips of the representative from Houston.  Everyone knows that if the Democrat’s dog and pony show does move on to the Senate, where it will be televised, it will fail miserably.  But, they will no doubt try again.  They have not, and will not give up. 

Fortunately, the longer this nonsense goes on, the worse the Democrat’s chances are in November 2020 as voters grow increasingly intolerant of this ridiculous, evidence-free, utterly boring (even Nadler fell asleep in his own hearing), show in place of real legislative accomplishment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

If plan A fails, you go to plan B, when plan B fails...

But what do you do when plans A through Z all fail?   
I am of course referring to the Democrats attempts to “DUMP TRUMP”.

They could impeach him and send the matter to trial in the Senate where there will be actual rules giving the president due process, but they know very it will fail in an embarrassing landslide.  Such a landslide would no doubt cause Democrats to lose the house majority and guarantee President Trump’s reelection.

Or, they could drop impeachment and censure the president.  This will anger their base, who will accept nothing less than impeachment, perhaps convincing many to stay home next November, which would also cause Democrats to lose the house majority and guarantee President Trump’s reelection.  That may sound like a happy ending for Republicans, and, an acceptable ending for Democrats, bit it is neither. 

The problem is, even if Democrats back off impeachment and settle for censure, they will have established an impeachment "right to try".  In other words, they will set a precedent to impeach for any reason what so ever, or no reason at all.  That would weaponized impeachment to unacceptable level by establishing a precedent to hold congressional hearings not to investigate an impeachable offense, but to attempt to find one. 

It’s a lose-lose situation of their own making.  Of course, they COULD drop the entire thing and wait and see how the election turns out, but that’s highly unlikely because they know it’s not likely to turn out good for them…