Tuesday, December 3, 2019

America’s Unelected Gestapo

President Trump should have fired every single one of Obama’s unelected holdovers the day he took office. 
Not doing so was his biggest mistake.  It wouldn’t have been that big of a deal, Obama Fired All of Bush’s Politically Appointed Ambassadors In 2008.

Jimmy Carter in 1979 requested the resignation of his entire Cabinet, but only some of them actually resigned. This fed into a general dissatisfaction with his performance towards the end of his term.
Andrew Jackson fired his entire Cabinet except for the Postmaster General, though it was much smaller. This was over a social controversy — trivial to modern sensibilities — in which most of the Cabinet lined up against Jackson.
Bill Clinton that fired all 93 federal attorneys just to get at the ones that were investigating him.

Bush fired 8 federal attorneys because of their activism and got reamed by the libs in the press.

The problem with these people who rise to positions of unelected power is that, not only are most of them fiercely partisan but also incompetent and unbelievably arrogant.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who are not in any way relevant to them. 

The elected ones on the left are just as bad, but at least they can be voted out of office. Make no mistake; the American people are of absolutely of no concern to people of the Left, elected or unelected.  We are nothing but an inconvenience to them because we can vote.  They pander for our support when elections come around and then dismiss our concerns as soon as they retain their power.   

Lisa Page seems ever so confident that she is free and clear.  She’s a victim, and as pure as new fallen snow, despite her obvious collusion in the Russia hoax.  Adam Schiff is deranged, obsessed, an embarrassment.  These people like Comey, McCabe, Brennan are outrageous, all claiming to be virtuousness when they are in fact obviously treasonous.  

How did they end up so devoid of conscience, so entitled to their sense of superiority?   Because the culture of the Left has inculcated it, indoctrinated at least two generations of political power-seekers with abject amorality. 

President Harry Truman, who sighed into law the formation of the CIA, later regretted doing so.  He once said: I never would have agreed to the formulation of the CIA, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.   

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