Saturday, July 13, 2019

What Donald Trump had going for him that Ross Perot did not.


Ross Perot was a self-made billionaire, renowned patriot and two-time independent candidate for U.S. president, died on July 9, 2019 after a five-month battle with leukemia. He was 89.

In 1992, he said that this country needed to be run like a business. He was great at listing the country’s problems, but he didn’t communicate just exactly how he would fix them. I really did want to vote for him, but I felt like a third-party candidate didn’t really stand a chance of winning.

Trump identified both the problems and the fixes. His political promises were simple, repeated often and easily remembered; build the wall, repeal and replace Obamacare, cut taxes, destroy the Islamic State group, renegotiate better trade deals and make America great again.  And best of all, he was not and is not a third-party candidate. 

After taking office, Trump began to reverse President Barack Obama's executive orders and burdensome regulations on businesses. He approved the Keystone XL pipeline. He cut taxes and the economy picked up steam. Again, I supported these decisions.  

He tried and failed to repeal Obamacare, but its individual mandate was repealed in the tax-cut bill. He tried a lot of things that would have been great for America which were (illegally) blocked by leftist Federal Judges.

I do not know if President is actually a religious man or not, but he has proven to be pro-religious liberty, pro-life and pro-Israel. He moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, pulled out of the Paris climate agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and began negotiations to denuclearize North Korea. I support all of these policies.

The one thing which history may phrase Trump for above all other accomplishments is his appointments of federal judges.  I fully support his picks of Justice Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and the host of conservative federal judges that Trump has gotten confirmed. 

I have never been happy about any of Obama’s picks, and I shudder to think of the activist judges that a President Hillary Clinton would have picked.

In my opinion, Trump has been more successful so far than any other president at this stage, and that is quite amassing considering how the entire Democratic Party has fought him tooth and nail every step of the way.  

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