Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bill O’Reilly is Full of it

He is as “full of crap” as a Woodstock Outhouse.
Does he actually think everyone will just forget about Obama’s birth certificate just because he says it’s OK?  Not going to happen Mr. O. 

Considering what little we do know of Obama’s past, and the type of people he has surrounded himself with, both before and during his Presidency, you would have to be brain dead to not be somewhat concerned about his credentials.  “We the people” are fully aware that we have been lied to and duped by the arrogant political elites and the leftist news and entertainment media.

The Constitution stipulates that only a “natural born citizen” can be President i.e. someone born in the US of citizen parents at the time of birth.

According to that definition, Obama, whose father was Kenyan, has never been eligible. 

Every US President at the time of his election or assumption to power was either proven to be or believed to be a natural born citizen.

Even Senator John McCain, during the 2008 Presidential campaign, was obliged to release his long-form birth certificate. His eligibility was subjected to public scrutiny and a Senate resolution was passed as a confirmation that he met the requirements of natural born citizenship.

It has always been known that Obama did not meet the same requirements. Yet he was never challenged by anyone in the Congress, by any prominent Democrat or Republican or by the main stream media. 

Why was Obama exempt from even the most rudimentary examination of his credentials for office? And why are these same people denying that the Constitution has been violated? And why are they trying to bury the issue and denouncing anyone who speaks of it?  Could it be because anyone daring to bring it up is immediately accused of racism? 

The American people are waiting for the truth, not just the usual displays of elitist arrogance or feigned ignorance. There is clearly a conspiracy of silence. Is there also ethical or criminal liability?

It is no accident that Donald Trump has catapulted in the polls. The American people are rewarding him for having the courage to ask a question that is considered heresy by the ruling class. And how do these effete elites respond? With cries of racism and lunacy, the last resort of scoundrels.

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