Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who Snookered Whom?

The word was released to the media that there was a budget compromise and the government shutdown was averted
The Democrats and the Republicans both gave up some of what they wanted and a compromise was reached.  Oh happy day.  Not so fast.  What really happened was, the Republicans got snookered again, as usual.  John Boehner is a nice guy, but nice doesn’t cut it in the position he holds.   What we need is someone in that position with enough cohones to hang in there and not cave.  He caved big time, and we can expect him to do so again and again, with an increase in the debt ceiling, followed by ineffective support for Paul Ryan's proposals to reduce spending for the 2012 budget year.

It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Obama intends to continue spending in ever increasing amounts until the money runs our and/or the economy collapses.  On April 6, 2011 he called for the legislature to act like grownups and pass a budget; the problem is that if the legislature does act like an adult, it would cut government spending with a chainsaw, and put a balanced budget into effect immediately.  Since he won't face this fact, he is the one acting like a child.  What he obviously wants is a budget; any budget.  What it contains and whether or not it is in the best interest of the nation is irrelevant, as long as it doesn't get in the way of his plans for ever expanding government.

Why didn’t the GOP demand the return of all the remaining stimulus money? There is at least sixty billion left in the stimulus, which remains as part of a Democrat slush fund. Couldn’t Boehner have made that part of the budget? Couldn’t he have demanded the full hundred billion and then offered to use stimulus money to fund the cuts? He could have but he didn’t

I keep hearing that we have the momentum on our side, yet nobody explains how this will move our agenda forward. When you surrender $61 billion from your demands, how is that gaining momentum?

And if Boehner believes he’ll get those up or down votes from the Senate, I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell him. Harry Reid will say whatever he needs to say, and do whatever he needs to do. Boehner has nothing but Reid’s word on this - the word of a proven liar and hypocrite. Even if Reid does allow a vote on repealing Obamacare it will be done in such a way as to turn things back on the Republicans. Imagine a rider being added that defunds the military, for instance, then Reid will say they had no choice but to vote it down.

That brings up another point to ponder; Boehner had to know that the Democrats would roll out this dirty trick of defunding the military in the event of a showdown, and if he didn’t, he is too incompetent to be in charge.  Some people think he USED it to force his own caucus to obey his will.

I truly hate to say it, but John Boehner must be removed from the House of Representatives.  TEA Party activists have been holding this over his head already, and this false compromise may be what brings them to action.  A logical replacement would be Col. Allen West, because he was a leader first, rather than a politician.  Boehner is the opposite as evidenced by how Col. West put his career on the line to protect his men in Iraq.  He was forced to leave the Army, but he did the right thing.  He should have been decorated and promoted for showing initiative and creativity in interrogation.

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