Friday, September 9, 2011


With millions of Americans unemployed and or underemployed, one would expect those with jobs would be thankful, especially those being paid an average of $58 per hour.   However, unionized auto workers in Detroit have always followed the union boss’s like sheep to the slaughter.

So what if the unemployment rate is 9.1 percent and the country is plunging into a double-dip recession?   With brazen disregard for the facts, the UAW has authorized a strike against Ford Motor Company. 
They are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

This kind of stupidity is the reason large parts of Detroit looks like a ghost town.  The same can be said of many other cities in mandatory union states.

These people are greedy, dim-witted auto workers who earn six-figure incomes, vote straight Democrat, and are dumb enough to vote to strike when a bona fide economic depression is bearing down on America.

If huge changes are not made soon, in a few years the ONLY manufacturing in this country will be in “right to work” states.  Unfortunately, most is moving out of the country.

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