Saturday, September 3, 2011

This is an addendum to previous post

President Obama has spent almost 900 days without sending a budget to the Senate.  Clearly he doesn’t want a budget.  He will simply spend as much money as he pleases, on whatever he pleases.

Congress voted no to amnesty for illegal aliens.  So Barack issues an Executive Order and adds a work permit to foreign criminals as long as they have not raped or murdered anyone.  In fact, this gives amnesty to his Aunt and Uncle, both illegal aliens.  His Uncle has been avoiding a court deportation order since 1992.   Apparently the whole family believes the laws do not apply to them.

Same sex marriage is against federal law.  Obama feels the law is unconstitutional and it probably is, but that should be decided by the Supreme Court not by the dictator.

Congressman Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar when the President said his health care plan can not be used by illegal aliens.  We now know Obama did lie.  It does in fact allow foreign criminals in this nation to get free health care.

Obama said there are no death panels with "obama-care".  Yet the death panel is prohibiting a life saving drug for breast cancer victims.  Thanks to Obama women will die early because of his policies.

Remember when he implied that a Cambridge, Massachusetts cop was a racist?  He said on national TV that the police acted "stupidly".  He said this without knowing the facts of the case and he wound up having a beer  with the cop to apologize.

President Obama is an arrogant individual.  He is always right, just ask him.  In 2008 he called President Bush unpatriotic for adding $4 trillion to the national debt in eight years.  Barack has added $4.5 trillion is two and a half years.

The President is spending billions of tax dollars to change our diet, to eat healthy, yet he smokes and eats hamburgers and ice cream.  Do as the dictator says, not as he does.

America needs an adult President in the White House, not a spoiled kid who believes he is a dictator and everyone else is beneath him.  We need a President that respects others, and the laws of the country.

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