Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dictator Obama or President Obama?

Obama is governing more and more like a dictator. 

It has become quite obvious he wants to be Dictator of the United States instead of President.  Presidential power in the U.S. has limitations which are intended to require American Presidents to compromise and work in concert with fellow legislators to achieve their ends.  Presidents are also bound by the rule of law and have to work within it.  Dictators have no such restrictions.

When Obama says he can’t wait for the rule of law to implement his agenda.   He rejects the entire American political system and places it in jeopardy.  When Obama governs by Executive Order instead of by Legislative process, as he has done all along and as he has pledged to continue doing, he effectively turns the United States into a dictatorship with him as the dictator.  Obama has bypassed Congress and issued nearly one hundred Executive Orders so far, and he has said there are many more to come.  These are not the acts of an American President.  These are the acts of an American Dictator and it is difficult to imagine a more serious threat to freedom and democracy in the United States than this.

Congress must stop him in his tracks and re-establish the rule of law, constitutional authority and the system of checks and balances and separation of powers.  If it doesn’t there will be no stopping him and you can kiss freedom and democracy in the U.S. goodbye.  Obama’s contempt for the rule of law, constitutional authority and the system of checks and balances and separation of powers is blatant.   That is completely unacceptable for a President of the United States and he must be called to task now, while it is still possible and while there still is a United States.   Obama is not simply eroding the rule of law, constitutional authority and the system of checks and balances and separation of powers… he is purposefully and blatantly trying to eliminate them.

Congress is far too slow in acting on this threat, but it appears they are beginning to wake up, and a constitutional showdown is looming in the U.S.  It is a showdown Congress and the American people cannot lose.  If they do, it really will be Dictator Obama instead of President Obama and American freedom and democracy will be a thing of the past.

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