Saturday, November 19, 2011



Last week at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, Obama explained that, "We've been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades.  He thinks we’re lazy.  I wish it was that simple.  The truth is, in the case of Conservatives, the biggest problem is APATHY.  I have been using this blog for over four years now to try to build a fire under the butts of apathetic conservatives, to little or no avail. 
The problem is even more serious with Liberals, or Progressives, or Marxist, or whatever they are currently calling themselves.  They are marching behind Obama in lock step with closed eyes, closed ears, and closed minds.   It never ceases to amazed me just how blind they are, how naïve, ignorant, credulous, and unable to discern fact from fiction, reality from fantasy.

For Gods sake people just how much more proof do you need that our country is on the path of purposeful destruction?

Service Employees International Union (SEIU), with its 2.1 million dues paying members announced on November 16, 2011, “with great pride and a sense of purpose,” that they were endorsing President Barack Obama for re-election.  They said “President Obama is the only candidate for president who shares our vision of America as a land of opportunity for everyone. We need a leader willing to fight for the needs of the 99 percent, and stand with hard working families to say that the world’s wealthiest corporations must pay their fair share.”

Is this the vision of socialist America where almost 50 percent of citizens already pay no federal income tax and receive welfare from the producers? Is this the vision where pot-smoking youth occupy our parks demanding handouts while preaching Marxism?  Is this the vision of America where working Americans support millions of illegal aliens who take advantage of our lax law enforcement when foreigners cross the border illegally, drop anchor babies, use our emergency rooms for medical care, our schools and universities for educating their children, and take jobs from American citizens?

Obama does not fight for the needs of all Americans, he only fights for re-election votes and his needs like golfing, vacationing, entertaining lavishly at taxpayer expense, and non-stop campaigning.     He punishes companies that are not supporting his plan for America and rewards companies who have contributed heavily to his campaign coffers.

Congressman Frank Wolf remarked on the floor of the House on November 16, 2011, “General Electric, the nation’s largest corporation, had a very good year in 2010 but GE paid zero taxes in 2010. At the same time, the Congressional Research Service found that the October 2008 issue of China Taxation magazine published top corporate taxpayers in the commercial services sector. The Beijing subsidiary of GE was number 32.”

The head of President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, GE chairman, Jeffrey Immelt, announced recently that the headquarters of its 115-year old X-ray business would be moved from Wisconsin to Beijing.

Fifty percent of GE’s workforce is overseas. A joint venture between GE and the Chinese firm AVIC was announced to develop avionics systems for jets.  Shouldn’t the president make sure jobs are created here rather than China?

Is it a good idea to provide the Chinese military with advanced avionics technology at a time when they are developing aeronautics and space exploration programs?  Is this not a national security issue?

The SEIU memo continues, “Our economy and democracy have been taken over by the wealthiest one percent.”  The truth is, wealthy individuals are being threatened and blackmailed by this administration on a daily basis.  Our country has been taken over by Marxists and anti-American individuals who goal is the failure of America from a super-power to a third world nation.

The SEIU memo to its members says, “These bankers and CEOs have used their wealth and excessive political influence to treat our state and federal governments like their personal cash drawer – spending lavishly on elections and then pressuring legislators to give them even more instead of creating jobs. It shows the results.”   DUH!!  It was unions that spent hundreds of millions of dollars to elect Democrats to Congress and President Obama in order to influence the outcome of legislation favoring and benefiting unions?

And it was ACORN protesting outside the homes of bankers and CEOs with the intent of shaming them into giving mortgage loans to people with shady credit scores?  And it was Democrats in Congress that were urging bankers to make these loans?   This move is what exacerbated the housing bubble crisis?
The reasons corporations are not creating jobs is not that complicated.   It’s because they are overregulated, the EPA is denying permits, business confidence under this administration is at its lowest ever, and corporations are afraid to hire because of the uncertainty of taxation and the foreseen high cost of Obamacare per employee.

SEIU’s president says, “We know there needs to be a pathway to citizenship for every immigrant worker.”  Translation; The left wants amnesty for illegal aliens because they want new cardholders paying dues to unions and new automatic Democrat voters.  It does not matter to liberals that these illegal aliens are taking jobs away from Americans, and they don’t care that the majority of Americans do not want amnesty.

Our President has had three years, a few billion dollars job stimulus money, and many opportunities to create jobs.  It should be obvious to anyone not totally brain dead that it was never his intent to create jobs – he likes people being dependent on the government dole.   People who cannot find jobs, especially young people with college degrees, have nobody to blame but themselves for voting for Obama in 2008 and in many cases by choosing unmarketable degrees.

No matter how many times Obama repeats his canned rhetoric, none of his plans, schemes, bailouts, stimulus have worked, none of them. He will not turn things around because even if he intended to, he does not know how.  I have become convinced he never had any intention of doing so.   If he is re-elected, the economy will take an irreversible slide into bankruptcy.  We will become the banana republic he planned to “fundamentally transform” us into all along.

If you haven’t been reading my blog posts, don’t stop with just this one.  Go right down the list and read eight or ten of them.  I think you will find them to be very informative.  I do a lot of research for the information I post on this blog.

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