Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Obama’s goal is to convert the US to Islam

Islamic Flag to Fly Over White House

1 comment:

  1. Have we as a nation learned from our mistakes yet?
    Do you desire to have the liberty to govern yourself? Then find other people, neighbors, friends, and family who think the same. Reach out to those around you who believe in self-worth, who love liberty, who believe in the integrity of this great nation and desire for our country to pursue a course of action that enables growth of unity; a unity of liberty like never before seen. Reach out to other like thinkers and do so without regard for race or position. Look past the color of skin, beyond the boundaries of culture, past ideologies of religion, beyond to the individual who loves liberty. Join hands with each other and unite in one great force that will rid our country of tyranny… together fight for your belief in liberty.
