Friday, June 1, 2012


At least that’s what this administration says.

My question is: If we are no longer at war, why does Obama have a hit list (KILL LIST), and why is he using drones to kill people on that list (including American citizens) by remote control.

Most Americans don’t really because they are terrorists anyway. Right?
WAKE UP:  All American citizens are supposed to be entitled to a trial before the execution.  Unless of course we are at war and they are fighting with the enemy and we kill them in combat.   

Why is this important?  Because, he starts off by killing one or two Americans without trial. He sees that nothing is going to happen to him for that. He doesn’t get indicted for murder or challenged by the press. So he can pick up the pace, killing more and more Americans until the people become numb to it. The next thing you know, he becomes great like Adolf and Stalin. And the American people will justify it.

I know, you must be thinking I’m a raving lunatic, but it has happened before and it COULD happen again.

I have to sign off now and get in my shelter.   
I think I hear a drone flying around the area.

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