I am of the opinion that the political pendulum swings both ways in
this country, and I believe at this point it is coming to a stop at the extreme
left of its swing. We have a Presidential Administration which
is so far left it is socialist. Have you noticed how the Democratic Party
has stopped denying its socialist tendencies? Apparently, they now openly
embrace socialism.
Those of us on the right realize that socialism is the greatest threat to
democracy on the planet. I see socialism as presenting an even greater
threat than the Islamo-facist terrorists!
Americans are sick at heart about it and they intend to shove the
pendulum hard—back towards the right.
The broad attempts of those on left to define and redefine those of us on
the right side of America’s political spectrum, only lends credence to the
right’s claim that the political left is simply not up to the job of governing
a country in crisis.
There is no time
for a vision quest (as some have referred to it) or social experiments.
desperately needs experienced leadership to begin the long climb out of the quagmire
we have gotten ourselves into by implementing the leftist agenda.
Far too many Americans have been unconcerned about the state of the country,
especially Democrats.
Until recently, they have said, “it’s not like
we have a dictator like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro or
Cambodia dictator
Pol Pot, who enslaved and murdered their own people”.
I believe many are beginning to see the light, and not a minute too
Our Government has many skeletons
in the closets, beginning with slavery and continuing to this day.
For example: do you know about the syphilis
research on black people that began in 1932?
Six hundred impoverished black sharecroppers in Alabama,
who had contracted syphilis, were NOT TOLD they had it.
They were divided into groups in order to
study the effects of many different types of treatment.
Some were not given any treatment at all, but
used to compare with the different experimental treatments.
But NONE of them were ever told they had the
Another example: did you know that Franklin D. Roosevelt sent a boat loaded
with Jews escaping Hitler back to Germany,
where all of them perished?
And, I’m
sure you must know about the concentration camps where all the AMERICAN
CITIZENS of Japanese descent were sent right after the bombing of Pearl
OK, so you're thinking “all of this is ancient history”.
Let’s just look at recent history since
electing Barack Obama.
Obama’s Internal Revenue Service persecuted honest people for the crime of
being conservative critics of Obama, yet Obama nominated proven tax cheats like
Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, Hilda Solis and Ron Kirk to major positions in his
Obama criticized Mitt Romney for keeping some money in the Cayman
Islands, but then named Jack Lew to become Treasury Secretary,
even though Lew keeps his money in the Cayman Islands.
Obama and Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi,
Libya, and ordered Susan
Rice to lie to the media for two weeks.
Obama even lied about the terrorist attack
multiple times in front of the United Nations.
It now appears Clinton ordered a
cover-up of a prostitution scandal in her own State Department.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied in front of Congress
about the National Security Agency surveillance program.
The head of the IRS lied in front of
Congress about the scandal involving the targeting of conservatives.
Obama stated on numerous occasions as a U.S. Senator that he stood against
the Patriot Act and other invasions of privacy and violations of civil
Then, he doubled down as
Obama claims he knew nothing about IRS
persecution — even though the head of the IRS
visited the White House 157 times in his first term and even though Obama met
with the head of the IRS employees union the
day before the targeting began.
Attorney General Eric Holder appears to have lied under oath about spying on
journalists, including James Rosen of
News (and his parents).
Holder said
he knew nothing about it, while he was the one signing the request for
Then there are the scandals themselves: the Fast and Furious scandal, the IRS
scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the
Justice Department media-spying scandal, the Kathleen Sebelius Obamacare
extortion scandal.
There are so many
scandals, I’ve lost track.
Obama supports strict gun control, but he had no problem selling guns to
Mexican drug lords.
And no one bothered
to keep track of where the guns were until 300 Mexicans and a U.S. Border
Patrol agent were dead.
These scandals all tie together.
represent government gone wild.
government is out of control.
How many
executive orders away are we from a full fledged dictatorship?
Considering the recent track record of the IRS,
is this who you want making your healthcare decisions?
When I need approval for expensive cancer
treatments, will they withhold approval or delay reimbursements until I
Will they simply make my life
miserable, while I’m dealing with a life-threatening illness?
Will they run targeted “death panels” by
denying treatment to critics of Obama?
We heard under oath that NSA could not listen in on calls.
It only compiles the list of who is calling whom.
Then we found out only days later that
NSA personnel can listen in on any call, anytime they choose.
My guess is they listen in only on
Republicans. After all, to listen in on Muslims would be religious persecution.
Should I assume that the same Obama Administration that labeled Ron Paul
supporters as “terrorists” and suggested law enforcement pay them special
attention, won’t target Rand Paul supporters for destruction by listening to
calls, reading their emails or auditing their tax returns?
Should we assume the government won’t listen in on the privileged
conversations of lawyers and American Civil Liberties Union executives to gain
an edge in high-profile trials?
Do you honestly believe that if government wants to silence your criticism
and dissent, it will wait for a warrant to listen to your calls?
Based on what we’ve seen with the IRS
scandal and on what the NSA just admitted (that it can listen in anytime it
wants), I’d expect our government to target conservatives’ conversations and
emails and then, only after finding something they label as “questionable,” ask
a judge for a warrant.
America made
a huge mistake in 2008 and now we are paying dearly for that error in
But we can and WILL
survive. Such is the faith I have in America
and her people.
It won’t be easy.
It will be a long hard grind but, the American public really is beginning to
wake up.