Friday, December 26, 2014

White House is Hiding Photos of Obama on Night of Benghazi Attack

In an interview on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" Tuesday morning, former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson revealed that photos taken by the White House photographer taken the night of the Benghazi attacks have never been turned over.
When asked about questions she wanted to see answered by the Benghazi special committee, she said that she had a new list of questions which she intends on publishing.

It's a disgrace that such lies are coming from the White House.  Lie after lie. Americans want answers on this and are tired of getting stonewalled.  Some people now believe this administration allowed these honorable Americans to die because they knew too much.  Assuming that is NOT true, the longer they stonewall, the more people will believe it IS true.
Only a criminal hides evidence, and Obama hides everything.  Look at his past; everything is sealed.  If anyone hides anything, they definitely have something to hide.  Perhaps someday after he is dead and gone, the world will find out just what he was so ashamed of.

People died and Hillery and Obama lied

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