Monday, September 3, 2012


When a reporter asked "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida if he believes there is a liberal bias in the media, he responds, "I don't." When asked again, he walks away.

That’s not a bit surprising.  When ask, all Liberals either say there is no bias, or they say there is a right wing bias.  Either they know better and simply refuse to admit it or they are so brain washed that they are not capable of recognizing it.

Just in case it is the latter, I would like to point out this classic example.

In its headline, The Atlantic Wire story for August 27 screams, Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos ‘Won’t Show up’ This Election.” 

It wasn’t just the headline, either. Even in its lead paragraph The Atlantic characterized Boehner’s comments as wishing minorities won’t vote. (My bold)

House Speaker John Boehner is the most prominent Republican to admit, out loud, that his party’s strategy for winning in November doesn’t suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hoping they won’t vote at all.

But this is simply untrue.  Here is what Boehener actually said, and it proves that The Atlantic is purposefully misleading its readers.   “This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

In other words, Boehner was saying that Obama hasn’t excited black and Latino voters and he hasn’t served their interests so he, Boehner, thinks they won’t turn out to vote for Obama.  He wasn’t saying he hopes minorities won’t vote he was saying the President has failed to give them a reason to vote for him.

The Atlantic’s writer purposefully misrepresented what John Boehner said, here.  The headline and the first line are complete fabrications.   They also go on to insinuate that Boehner was talking about voter I.D. laws, which are being pushed by Republicans and criticized as disenfranchising minority and poor voters”

The article presupposes that voter I.D. laws are meant to disenfranchise voters because that would be part of Boehner’s premise of getting blacks and Hispanics not to vote.  He didn’t mention voter I.D. laws or allude to them in any way.  And this begs the question, why mention it in the story, if no one was talking about it?  Where is the relevance to the reportage of Boehner’s comments?

This was a pretty sly piece of propaganda thrown into what is presented as news.  The only reason the voter I.D. law subject was added to the story despite that no one was talking about it was so that the reporter could push the lie that such laws are meant to disenfranchise minorities.

The media has gone beyond bias.  They are now trying I create the news rather than report it.  
This entire story is pure anti-Republican spin, not “news.”

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