Tuesday, January 14, 2014


A word I am seeing a lot lately is “islamophobia”. 
In fact, I am seeing it almost as frequently as another ridicules word “homophobe”.
As I mentioned in my recent post about homophobia, http://cyberpolyticks.blogspot.com/2013/12/homo-phobia-andor-homophobic.html, the definition of “phobia” is, an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation (Merriam Webster Dictionary-2013)

Some may think I’m nit-picking, but I do not think it is inexplicable or illogical to believe people who SAY they will kill you in the name of Allah, and have proved in the past they will try kill in the name of Allah.

This is a term used to silence those who would dare speak out, much like the word “racist” does.  Taking there cue from the creators of “Homophobia” … who used the term in an attempt to silence those with deeply held religious beliefs.

Islamist groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) found a way to begin the imposition of Sharia Islamic Law in the United States, with the aid of willing useful idiot Progressives. 

Anyone accused of being an Islamophobe is assumed to be an ignorant, hateful oaf, who needs to be schooled in the ways of “true” Islam.   Sharia Law forbids anything “perceived” as slander concerning anything or anyone connected to Islam … be it the Quran, Muhammad or Allah.  They attach utmost importance to “hurt feelings” and make it a crime to express opposition/dissent regarding Islam, creating a new mortal sin for any who dare to violate their standard.  It’s all about fear and intimidation.

We in the US are apparently becoming afraid to speak up for our liberty.  Americans seem to no longer realize that Islam, communism, fascism, etc. exist because it gives a few the right to tell others what to do for them.  Those being told what to do are supposedly given guarantees, health care, a chicken once in awhile, government housing, etc.  Once you have everyone on the dole you have no one producing and that is where we are headed.

I wish I had found this picture before I posted this post. 

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