Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ivy League School Holds Funeral for All Non-White People Killed By Racism

Ivy League School Holds Funeral for Michael Brown and All Other Non-White People Killed By Racism

Preparing for the soon expected grand jury verdict in Ferguson, Missouri, students at the University of Pennsylvania held a ceremonial funeral on Friday afternoon for “black and brown bodies” oppressed by the evils of capitalism and the racism of police officers.

The very premise of this brown/black funeral is racist, and those promoting it are promoting racism.  The idea would have had meaning 100 or so years ago, but today more blacks are killed by other blacks than by whites, and I might add, when a black IS killed by a white, the racism is usually imaginary. 
If this hoodlum had not been trying to take the Police Officers gun away from him, he would not have been shot.
I wonder if these left wing nuts will have a funeral for all the white people who have been killed by blacks.

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