Monday, November 3, 2014

Why is Debbie Wasserman so confident Democrats will retain control of Senate?

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep/ Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said Democrats will hold control of the Senate after the midterm election.
WHY IS SHE SO CONFIDENT?  The links below explain why…

Voter Fraud Is What Got Obama Elected And They Are Still Cheating

Did This State Open an Avenue for Voter Fraud?

Voting Machines Change Votes in Favor of Democrats

Some Boulder County election judges are Democrats posing as Republicans

Democrats LITERALLY Buying Votes in Chicago!

Obama Openly Jokes About Voter Fraud in Front of Cameras [VIDEO]

Caught on Tape: Husband of Democrat Senator Taking Down Republican Campaign Signs

Video Evidence of Illinois Voting Machine Switching Republican Votes for Democrats

La Raza Promotes State by State Guide on Where People Can Vote Without an ID

It seems there’s never any jail time for Democrats when they break the election laws.  It’s just passed over with the knowledge that the attention span of the American public is about two days.  If it’s not an active story on some left wing TV network like MSM that they watch everyday it is soon forgotten.

And the politicians know this so they just lay low for a couple of days and it all goes away.  This was clearly demonstrated when Obama ran for a second term and was elected even though he had spent almost four years of undermining the Constitution in an effort to destroy America.

Same with Hillary, she still has the support of her die hard fans even though she has probably pulled off more crap than Obama because not only did she have a run at it when Slick Willy was President, she got another opportunity in the Senate and during the Obama years.

When Obama finishes granting amnesty to all the illegal aliens, and all the other "future Democrats" he's importing from all over the world, Republicans may never ever win another election...

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