This video is a litany of the wrongs
committed by President Barack Obama against the American people.
It went live on YouTube Friday and has
already been viewed nearly 100,000 times.
In just two minutes, “What If” excoriates the president’s ignoring of the 2016 midterm election results that repudiated his polices, Obama’s willingness to negotiate with foreign leaders but not members of Congress, his overreaching executive orders, his pitting of Americans against other Americans, and his blatant lies to the American people.
It also mentions the abject failure of the mainstream media to hold the Obama administration accountable.
Without a doubt, Obama is the most un-vetted, unaccomplished, unqualified person to ever occupy the Oval Office in American history. He is an odd combination of a habitual, unabashed liar and self-deceived egomaniac. He really seems to believe his own BS, and expects the rest of us to believe it too. He is now seen by the majority as weak, ineffective, and deceiving. He is brutally dividing a nation once united. Race relations were much better before his election. He is a grave violator of the law and of the U.S. Constitution; it is incumbent upon the Congress to establish whether his transgressions rise to the level of an impeachable offense