Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Do you sometimes get the feeling that we are screwed?

The quality of education provided by our public schools has been in a rapid decline for at least the last three generations.  They have been turning out more and more ignorant people and sometimes I wonder if they are doing so on purpose.  
Our children graduate from school with no idea of what it means to be an American or what their rights and responsibilities are.

America's younger people are more interested in video games and stupid reality shows on TV than they are about their own nation.  They are more concerned about deflated footballs than about our deflated liberties.  They are more concerned about where and how to obtain pot than they are about obtaining a proper education or acquiring necessary job skills.

If something doesn't change shortly the Republic will no longer be able to survive because it depends on educated people and people with job skills. It's gotten so bad, one study shows that juniors in college read at about a seventh grade level and in many interviews done on college campuses they haven't the slightest idea how the government works, who was in charge and in some cases can't even tell you who we fought during this revolutionary war.

It is scary enough that these people, at least the ones that bother to vote, elect our countries leaders, but what is even scarier is that these people ARE our future leaders.  Do you sometimes get the feeling that we’re screwed?

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