Thursday, February 5, 2015

What Do NBC’s Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton Have in Common?

Could it be that both are liars.  Bald faced, unrepentant, blatant liars.  Brian Williams is trying to lie his way out of lying about being involved in hostile military action.  Just like the former Secretary of State.

Williams said that he was on board a helicopter that was hit by an RPG and shot down at the start of the Iraq war.  Turns out he lied.

Hillary told a equally outrages story about being caught in sniper fire in Bosnia.   Turns out she lied.

I think Brian also said “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” even though he never stepped foot in Vietnam.... Oh wait, that is CT Senator Blumenthal... 
Well, worst of all, Brian claimed himself to be a Native American, using that status to get into his Masters & Doctoral program, then employment at a prestigious Ivy league institution where he continued to claim that status until called out on it... Oh wait, that was Senator Elizabeth Warren...

ALL Democrat Politicians and ALL Democrat news reporters, and the overwhelming majority of all other Democrats, are not just liars, they are damned liars…Lying Brian is no exception.

I like this coverage;  

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