Seven years into an Obama administration, we have learned that Barack Obama has a history of choosing bizarre candidates to the office of the United States Attorney General. This position is essentially the head of the Justice Department.
Well, you can take the blindfold off of lady Justice because we no longer have equal justice under the law
Obama’s current Attorney General is a woman by the name of Loretta Lynch, who, after the San Bernardino terrorist attacks from radical Islamists, threatened Americans that the justice department would fiercely prosecute any ‘anti-Islamic rhetoric that edges towards violence.’
Recently, she released a 9-page letter, what amounts to a threat, to courts and municipalities across the country. The letter explains that the courts need to practice leniency towards minorities who commit minor crimes, or face the chance that they will lose federal funding, and risk being investigated for racial discrimination practices.
Since instituting the, leniency for minorities only policies, crime has begun to rise due to what some people are referring to the broken-window principle of policing. When authorities enforce the smaller crimes, the bigger crimes seem to happen less frequently. Consequently, the reverse happens when the justice system looks the other way when faced with things like public urination, public drunkenness, or littering.
It’s probably a good thing for America to have, as the leader of their judicial system, a person who is setting one standard for white people, and a seperate standard for minorities. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. Right?
Though the apparent racism and cluelessness of Loretta Lynch is bad enough, it was nothing compared to Obama’s first Attorney General.
Eric holder, resigned from the position, leaving behind a legacy of fiercely prosecuting any ‘leaks’ from inside the administration, being the only Cabinet member in American history who was held in contempt of Congress, and not prosecuting the New Black Panther Party’s voter intimidation case because he claims that :
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