A scene from 2011's Southern Decadence homosexual
festival in New Orleans.
“A hurricane hitting a celebration of decadence … twice in seven years. What are the odds?” asks Robin Cox, a lifelong Gulf Coast resident.
“Does it seem God has it in for New Orleans?” adds Mary Starkey. “Just contemplating why this has happened twice in seven years at exact same time of year.”
Dating back to 1972, Southern Decadence bills itself today as “one of the largest annual celebrations and festivals in New Orleans, it has become known as the ‘Gay Mardi Gras.’”
One of its promotional websites indicates: “People begin to arrive on the Wednesday before Labor Day, and generally don’t even think about stopping or going home until the following Tuesday. With over 120,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender participants, and an economic impact estimated to be in excess of $125 million, the city has recognized the festival’s importance with an official proclamation to welcome the event.”
A Facebook page for Southern Decadence indicates the annual event will still go on this week:
“OMG! Over 1,000 emails about Decadence!” the page states. “Don’t worry guys. All is set to begin on Thursday, August 30th running through Labor Day, September 3rd for the 41st Southern Decadence. The biggest problem I’m hearing is flight cancellations. I sure hope the airline industry will do their best to get all of you revelers here for this big circuit weekend … We need y’all for its success!”
The timing of Isaac in relation to Katrina has caught the attention of some Christian pastors, including John McTernan of the Defend and Proclaim the Faith website:
“Katrina was the greatest natural disaster ever to hit America. Now seven years later, to the day, another hurricane is heading towards this city. The fact the events are seven years apart is very significant as this number is biblically important. It is the number of completion: God created the universe in seven days. The church, city and nation have not repented and the homosexual agenda is far worse than it was in 2005.
“New Orleans is still hosting Southern Decadence with open homosexuality manifesting in the streets of the city. It could be that God is putting an end to this city and its wickedness. The timing of Hurricane Isaac with Southern Decadence is a sign that God’s patience with America’s sin is coming to an end. … Let’s all watch this very closely, because if New Orleans is destroyed, it is a sure sign that the final judgment for the national sin of America has arrived.”
Southern Decadence in New Orleans
attracts homosexuals from across America
and the world.
Dwight Douville, senior pastor at Calvary
Chapel Appleton in Wisconsin,
says the anniversary is reminiscent of a disaster cycle proffered by
author Jonathan Cahn in the bestselling book, “The
Harbinger,” suggesting America
is now under focused judgment from God.Douville’s church is now researching facts about New Orleans, and says it’s the fourth most dangerous city in the world in which to live with 95 murders per 100,000 people annually, 10 times the national average. In addition to the Southern Decadence event, the church also notes the prevalence of voodoo, illegal drugs and sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS in the region.
As WND reported in 2005, the catastrophic damage left by Katrina did not stop homosexuals from partying, as less than a week after the disaster, while thousands of citizens were suffering from homelessness, hunger and looting in their flooded city, a group of “gays” marched down Bourbon Street in the Big Easy.
“It’s New Orleans, man. We’re going to celebrate,” Matt Menold, a 23-year musician wearing a sombrero and a guitar slung on his back, told the Associated Press.
An account of the small parade on the homosexual news site 365gay.com noted: “It was a scene like something from a Fellini movie. Amid the death, the destruction, and suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina a small parade behind a tattered rainbow flag made its way up Bourbon Street on Sunday.”
A few days later, other homosexuals gathered in Lafayette, La., to hold what they called the Southern Decadence Parade in Exile.
Then in October 2005, another hurricane system forced the postponement of another large homosexual event, Florida’s annual Fantasy Fest in Key West.
“We’ve never had a hurricane interfere with Fantasy Fest, at least as long as I’ve been here,” Harold Wheeler, director of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council for 10 years told the Key West Citizen. “In fact, it’s just the opposite – Fantasy Fest has always been there to open up our season.”
At least one state senator attributed 2005′s hurricane devastation to the hand of God punishing the U.S. for its national breaking of biblical laws.
“America has been moving away from God,” said Alabama Sen. Hank Erwin, R-Montevallo. “The Lord is sending appeals to us. As harsh as it may sound, those hurricanes do say that God is real, and we have to realize sin has consequences.”
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