Saturday, January 19, 2013


Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is about race to this guy.
I cannot think of a single controversial subject that has ever come up that he didn’t try to make into a racial issue.

Like most left wing nuts, Mr. Glover Doesn’t know much about American history.   You see Mr. Glover, slave revolts did not become a factor for years after the Constitution (and the second amendment) was enacted.  None of the early revolts that occurred before the framing of the Constitution were serious, and didn’t have much impact on the founder’s thinking.

When the founders were debating the Second Amendment in 1787, slavery had yet to become the economicpowerhouse it was later to become.  Previous to 1810 slavery was developing a bad reputation throughout the country–even in the south–and by 1810 manumission had been bestowed upon nearly 200,000 slaves.

The real growth of the south’s plantation economy came a few decades after the invention of the cotton gin in 1793.  For an economic barometer of the times, cotton exports went from 500,000 pounds in 1793 to 93 million pounds by 1810. This abrupt change made slavery an economic necessity if the south were to continue growing as it had.  But, again, all of this was years after the Constitution was in place.

The truth is the 2nd Amendment was a philosophical ideal based on humanity’s long history of using government force on a disarmed public, force that resulted in oppression and in the subsequent loss of religious freedom, and as a result of the fact that the founders wanted a weaker, de-centralized federal government that could not harm the rights of the people.

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