Wednesday, December 4, 2013



Then I’ll tell you a few things about “global warning” or “climate change” or whatever the powers that be choose to call it.   First and foremost, you must remember that when Obama and other left wing global warming nuts claim “97% of scientists say the planet is warming and human activity is contributing to it,” please remember: This is based on 75 of the 77 “climate scientists” who were selected from a 2010 survey (that went to 10,257 scientists).

However,  700 climate scientists, 31,000 American scientists and 48% of US meteorologists say there is no evidence that humans are causing dangerous warming or climate change.

Moreover, “contributing to” is meaningless.  Is it a 1, 5, 20 or 90% contribution?  Is it local or global?  Do scientists know enough to separate human factors from the numerous, powerful, interrelated solar, cosmic, oceanic, terrestrial and other forces that have repeatedly caused minor to major climate changes, climate cycles and weather events throughout human and geologic history?  The answer is NO, at this point, they absolutely do not.

When these global warming wing-nuts the President say “carbon pollution in our atmosphere has increased dramatically,” remember this: It’s not “carbon” (soot)—it’s CO2 (carbon dioxide).  It’s not “pollution”—it’s just as important as oxygen, and like oxygen, without it, there would be no life as we know it on the earth. 

They claim it causes global warming because it’s a “greenhouse gas”.  If you will just do your homework, you’ll learn that about 90% of the “greenhouse effect” is from water vapor.   And even if CO2 really was a hazardous gas, roughly 95% of the annual addition to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is from volcanoes, sub-sea vents and other natural sources.  Every time you exhale, you are adding CO2 to the atmosphere, but please to tell the government that, or they will come up with a way to measure how many times you exhale so they can tax you for it.

Over the past 16 years, while CO2 levels continued to increase “dramatically,” average planetary temperatures did not budge.  The eight years since a Category 3 hurricane made landfall in the United States is the longest such period since 1900 or even the 1860s.  Even with the recent Midwestern and East Coast twisters, US tornado frequency remains close to a record low.  Is that due to CO2 emissions?

They promote spending $22 billion just in federal money during FY-2014 on climate change studies; costly solar projects of every description; wind turbines that blight scenic vistas and slaughter millions of birds and bats annually, while wind energy developers are exempted from endangered species and other environmental laws that apply to all other industries; and ethanol programs that require millions of acres of farmland and vast quantities of water, fertilizer, pesticides and fossil fuel energy to produce a gasoline additive that reduces mileage, harms engines, drives up food prices… and increases CO2 emissions.

The policies, laws and regulations affect everything we make, grow, ship, eat, drive and do—100% of our energy based economy, not just one-sixth under ObamaCare—and put legislators, bureaucrats, activists and courts in ever-increasing control over our lives, livelihoods, liberties, living standards and life spans.

Even worse, it’s all for nothing—even if carbon dioxide plays a bigger role in climate change than many scientists believe it does.  Germany is relying increasingly on coal for power generation.  Australia has junked its cap-tax-and-trade program.  Britain is reexamining its commitment to CO2 reduction.  China and India are building new coal-fueled power plants every week, and neither they nor any of the real “developing countries” are required to commit to “binding targets” for lower carbon dioxide emissions.

Under agreements signed at the just-concluded UN climate conference in Warsaw, 130 developing nations must merely make “contributions” toward lower emissions, and only when they are “ready to do so.”

But then international climate programs were never really about preventing climate change.  As IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer has admitted, they are about “how we redistribute the world’s wealth.”  

His Royal Highness King Barry committed the United States to the treaty timetable and agreed to have American emissions-reduction targets in place in time for Paris.  This brought the parties back to the table and permitted the bureaucrats to cobble together a consensus. 

The main demand of the 132 generally leftist, mostly dictatorial “undeveloped” countries, which, by the way, are strongly supported by the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), that they be given huge amounts of money—the loss-and-damage mechanism—every time they experience a natural disaster.  These, of course, are all caused by the profligate, irresponsible emission of CO2 by evil, rich, western capitalist countries into the otherwise pristine atmosphere.  This, of course, will expose American “taxpayers to potentially unlimited future liability.” 

Since the genuine science now proves that the Earth has been cooling for the past 15 years (, this is clearly the Obama administration pandering to its dangerous, and frighteningly effective, Marxist Green base.

I do not claim to be a scientist, I don’t even claim to be smart, but I do have some common sense.  Here’s my common sense take on global warming, or climate change, or whatever they are now calling it today, all summed in a nutshell.

Six thousand years ago North Africa was a lush verdant paradise.  (The Garden of Eden, so to speak) Over the following two thousand years it morphed into the Sahara Desert.
Greenland has no vegetation, it’s too cold and it’s covered with ice and snow.  

However, scientist have recently drilled holes deep down through the ice and discovered some of the oldest plant and insect DNA on record.

We can learn four things from this:
1) Climate does indeed change.
2) Man doesn't cause it, and man cannot prevent it.
3) Rather than changes in civilization causing climate change, it was climate change causing changes in civilization.
4) Government can and will use ANYTHING as an excuse to squeeze more tax money out of us.



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