Tuesday, August 6, 2013


The Benghazi cover-up Makes Watergate look like a Church Social…

The Obama administration is “changing the names” of the Benghazi survivors and “creating aliases” to keep them hidden from congressional investigators and the American people, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told Greta Van Susteren on Thursday night. He also said the administration is “dispersing them around the country” to keep them out of sight.

Gowdy’s stunning claims were overshadowed by CNN’s bombshell report that revealed there were “dozens” of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the night of the deadly attack that killed four Americans.   Meanwhile, the CIA is taking “unprecedented” steps to keep whatever it was doing in Benghazi a secret, according to the report.   (Everyone’s pretty sure it was gun-running)

“Stop and think what things are most calculated to get at the truth? Talk to people with first-hand knowledge. What creates the appearance and perhaps the reality of a cover-up? Not letting us talk with people who have the most amount of information, dispersing them around the country and changing their names,” Gowdy said.

These new Benghazi revelations come at the same time that the Obama administration has decided to start referring to the Benghazi and all the other scandals as “phony.”

It is the responsibility of the Senate and the House to provide oversight of these agencies.   People regardless of party affiliation should be concerned when improper and even illegal behavior is going on in any part of the administration.

Priorities are really out of whack when such behavior is ignored and swept under the rug by one party or the other because it will make them look bad.

We elect people to be stewards over the government and over the tax money needed to pay for it.   They aren’t elected to keep their party in power at any cost, yet that’s what Washington has become.

Irresponsible administration of the laws should not be ignored by those whose party is represented in the White House.   Currently, most Democrats are willing to dismiss the misdeeds of the IRS, the NSA, the EPA, as well as those of a growing list of acronmyn-titled agenices, because the responsibility for those misdeeds falls on a Democrat in the White House.

We have to get away from thinking that all of our problems can be solved by more government spending, on the federal, state, or local level.   While government is absolutely necessary, absolute government is tyranny at any level.   And the only way to stop this nation from lurching toward tyranny is for all of us to realize that our freedom is at stake and begin to become more aware of what our government is doing and opposing it when it does not serve the interests of the American people.

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