Friday, November 29, 2013

UN Troops Told To Kill Americans That Don’t Give Over Their Guns

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UN Troops Told To Kill Americans That Don’t Give Over Their Guns

The following is my personal opinion, and is not taken from the above article.   However, it is related.

Wake up people… Obama will try to change the laws TO KEEP HIMSELF IN POWER. 
Republicans in Congress did nothing when Democrats stole the 2nd election, which makes me believe many of them are complicit.

There were over 1.5 MILLION fraudulent votes in the swing states.   For 3 years the “Acorn” groups have been double and triple registering voters.  “Thomas William Brown” becomes Thomas W Brown, T. William Brown, and Thomas William Brown- all at the same address.   One votes absentee, one votes early, one votes on election day.

Why do Republicans do nothing to stop or prevent this?  Well, consider this possibility.    It is common knowledge that the IRS, the NSA, and other federal agencies controlled by Obama supporters, have been investigating conservative groups, all conservatives in positions, and all conservatives running for positions of power.

We have no way of knowing just what kind of dirt they may have dug up on some of these people.   Have you never wondered why the Supreme Court went so far as to actually CHANCE ObamaCare so they could rule it as constitutional?   Don’t you remember, Obama said “it is not a tax”, the Court could have ruled it unconstitutional, but instead, they ruled it was a tax and therefore was constitutional?

Have you never wondered why the courts keep ruling that is unconstitutional to require identification before you can vote?  You need to start thinking about these things before it is too late.  Unless of course you WANT our current dictator to become permanent.

If we don’t get our act together soon, we are headed for another civil war.

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