Monday, October 31, 2016


If Hillary gets away with all these Crimes which she is obviously guilty of, then this nation has already sank too deep in the muck and mire to ever be redeemed.
FBI Investigators found 650,000 emails on a laptop that they believe was used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, suggests thousands of those messages could have been sent to or from the private server that Mrs. Clinton used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter.

It will take at the very least several weeks, to determine whether those messages are work-related from the time Ms. Abedin served with Mrs. Clinton at the State Department, and how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the FBI, and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence.

A Morning Consult poll asked voters to compare the 1970s-era affair to the email controversy and 45 percent said the Clinton email scandal is "worse than the Watergate scandal."
GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK; Hillary’s crimes are a thousand times worse than anything that occurred in the Watergate scandal.

This is FAR from over folks; on Sunday night, Wikileaks Warns It Is Launching "Phase Three" Of Its Election Coverage. 

On the brighter side; A post on the Medford Police Patrolmen’s Association Facebook page caused controversy online over the weekend.

The post showed Medford Police officers at the Fall Festival in Haines Square Saturday posing with a person in a Hillary Clinton mask and prison clothes. The officers were smiling and holding the person in handcuffs as if they were arresting them.

Meanwhile, The Hillary Criminal enterprise is going back to the old “right wing conspiracy” plan which she used to defend Bill’s escapades in an attempt to discredit the FBI.



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