Friday, April 11, 2014


GOP lawmaker suggests Eric Holder should ‘be in jail’ — to his face!

QUESTION: Was that before or after AG Eric Holder used more tax payer money to send assault weapons to the Mexican drug cartels?

The mission of the Department of Justice is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

Attorney General Eric Holder makes a mockery of this mission every day. Rather than running his office as a servant to the American people with deep respect for the laws that he is supposed to enforce, he runs the Department of Justice like the enforcement wing of a mafia organization with President Obama at the helm. Holder acts as Obama’s personal attorney and hit man, doing whatever is necessary to protect him and ‘the family', even if it means unlawful acts.

Holder was originally appointed U.S. Attorney for the
District of Columbia by President Bill Clinton.

Vetted the
Clinton administration's 176 last-minute pardons in January 2001
Was deeply involved in
Clinton's pardons of Marc Rich and the Puerto Rican FALN terrorists.

Condemned the
Guantanamo Bay detention center as an "international embarrassment".

Was appointed U.S. Attorney General by President Barack Obama
Strong opponent of gun rights
Sought to try Islamic terrorists in civilian courts rather than in military tribunals.

Filed suit against several states that had passed laws designed to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

Opposes efforts to purge voter rolls of ineligible names, or to enact voter-ID laws.

He has proven he is dangerous sitting in his chair!  Holder arranged for Mark Rich to be pardoned!  Holder failed to prosecute the "Black Muslims" for blatant voter intimidation!  Then, Fast & Furious!  Now this blatant intrusion into the reporting of a News Agency! Unwarranted and Unauthorized Arrests and harassment!

Who knows what else!  Holder is under indictment issued by the Congress of the United States!  Why is he still around?  I am not a lawyer and don't know the legal steps, but in every movie I have seen, when someone lies to the court and is found in Contempt, they are always carried out in shackles and put in jail!  What's different here?  Is everybody in Washington afraid to act?
To be a successful crook do you just need to be really high up?  Obama brought "executive privilege" into the equation, he is complicit!  WE need to remove this entire ROTTEN Gang!

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