Sunday, April 13, 2014


Anyone who watches TV news, has known for some time that all of the networks except The FOX Channel are blatantly liberal biased, some more than others. 
The Obama administration has leaned on the various media outlets, encouraging them to cast him in the best light possible and avoid scandalous stories.

Sharyl Attkisson resigned from CBS News, because their liberal bias was preventing her from doing her job to the best of her abilities.   She recently joined Bill O’Reilly on his show to discuss this in more detail.

She had this about the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal:
“I found out I had to quit pursuing the story, more or less, for lack of interest, well before we found a lot of answers to a lot of questions, including, what about all the other cases besides the one you know as Fast and Furious, using similar strategies to transfer weapons down to Mexico.”

“And how did this, if at all, play into a strategy the United States may be using to draw support, give support to one of the cartels in Mexico against the others, much like they had done in Columbia and other places.”

O’Reilly asked her to clarify what she meant by having to abandon the story for “lack of interest”.

“It just came to be, I don’t think on the viewers part, but on the people that decide what stories go into the broadcast and what there is room for, they felt very early on that this story was over, when I felt that we had barely begun to scratch the surface.”

On Benghazi:
“Benghazi, I was assigned to look into about three weeks after the attacks happened by management, and pursued that aggressively, and as I felt we were beginning to scratch beneath the surface on that scandal as well, which I think had many legitimate questions left to be asked and answered, interest was largely lost in that story as well, on the part of the people responsible for deciding what goes on the news.”

O’Reilly asked how she was told to stop investigating things, if it was directly or not.
“No, its more as though, there’s no time in the broadcast, we really liked the story, but you start to hear from other routes, why don’t you just leave it alone, and you’re kind of a troublemaker because your still pursuing it.”

“It almost goes from hot to cold in one day sometimes, where they ask you to pursue something heavily, and its almost as if a light switch goes off, and they look at you all of a sudden as if, why are you bringing us this story.”

O’Reilly asks if she thinks it was just about ratings on the part of CBS, to which she responded:
I suppose there could be differences of opinion as to what the audience wants to see, but I think there are larger things at play in the industry, broadly there are overarching concerns and fear over original investigative reporting.”

“There is unprecedented influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see everywhere, by well-orchestrated and well-financed campaigns of special interests, political interests and corporations.  I think all of that comes into play.”

On Obamacare:
“I was asked by CBS to look into Obamacare, and it had a similar trajectory, whereby we broke some interesting stories where I felt we were uncovering some good information and making headway, but we, and I feel like a lot of the media, after several weeks of this, kind of fell off the radar on this story to a large degree on the critical looks we were taking at security issues, the lack of transparency, the lack of providing figures and information that I think belong to the public domain, belong to us, were being withheld while being provided, in some cases, to corporate partners of the government, being withheld from us though.”

The media is supposed to serve as an independent watchdog that helps to keep both politicians and corporations honest.  It is a shame that the major media outlets have succumbed to the pressures of their political and corporate overlords to become lapdogs instead of watchdogs. 

Very rarely is there someone in the news business with the integrity to speak out the way Sharyl Attkisson has.  She will definitely be audited by the IRS.

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