Friday, April 4, 2014


Back before the breakup of the Soviet Union, the government controlled ALL of that country’s the news.  They controlled the news media, and they controlled all information coming into the country and all information leaving the country.
In those days, I was very active in amateur radio, or “ham radio” as it is commonly referred to.  I would regularly converse with other ham radio operators from all over the world, and occasionally one from the Soviet Union.  It was readily apparent that the “Soviet Union hams” were being monitored and censored. 

The only subjects they would ever discuss were the type or design of their radio equipment, and the strength and quality of my signal.  Whenever I would attempt to bring up any other subject, the conversation came to an abrupt end.

Now, consider the news media in The United States Today.  Our government now controls the ‘news’.  They control the narrative.  They call the shots.  They do the branding and the smearing with the name-calling they intend to make stick.   Here are a few examples.

While various agencies under the control of the administration paint patriots as dissidents, the EPA, their lead agency for change, has been using Americans—including children—as lab rats.

“Report: EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama administration’s agenda”. (Daily Caller, April 2, 2014 and, on my BLOG.)

“Agency conducted tests on people with health issues and the elderly exposing them to high levels of potentially lethal pollutants, without disclosing the risks of cancer and death.”

Unfortunately, the EPA pollutant exposure story is not new; the EPA has been exposing people to cancer and death for several years with no mention in the news media.
There are 435 congressman and 100 senators in Washington, DC but not one of them has exposed the deadly secret of the modern-day EPA.

And it is not just the EPA that Congress has been allowing to get by in the dark.
The news is managed the minute it happens, and sometimes even before.

On April 1, completely ignoring the fact that ObamaCare is an appalling failure that goes far beyond a failed computer program, Obama was celebrating imaginary sign-ups, complete with rousing cheers from media and staffers in the White House Rose Garden.  Perhaps it was all just an April’s fools joke.

The Obama Act has been playing out on the world stage with all of its props for almost five long years.   Getting through the next two and a half years may be the hardest thing you ever have to do.

It starts by ignoring the “main stream” media and get your news from places like Fox News, The Daily Caller, and conservative blogs like Breitbart and of course MY blog. 
You need to do your own research and learn how to tell the difference between truth and propaganda.  Recognizing the difference between cooked up news and reality is the only way to learn the truth.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  John 8:32

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